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I woke up the next day on the same futon as always, I picked up my phone to check the time, 9:33 am. I was going to the studio at 1pm so I had some time to kill, maybe I could go to the apartments gym?

I got off the couch, fixing my pony tail so it was a little less slept in. I went to the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee and some peanut butter toast before going to change into leggings and a sports bra.

I didn't worry about telling Austin where I was going knowing he was probably still asleep from his late night of filming. I just filled up a water bottle, grabbed my keys and headed down to the apartments gym.

I started on the treadmill as a warm up, I was on there for about ten minutes before I went to the corner to stretch, I was extremely happy no one was here.

I sat on the floor, legs out in front of me as I stretched reaching forward towards my feet. I had music playing through my headphones.

"Lynnie!" someone yelled cheerfully, I looked up and removed one of my headphones.

"Why are you literally everywhere?" I asked looking up at Drew.

"Hey I'm allowed to work out too," he said adjusting the weight on a machine. I rolled my eyes, putting my headphones back in and finished stretching before getting up to do some lunges with weights.

I stood in front of a wall of mirrors doing my exercises, watching myself for a second before my eyes drifted off to the side.

Drew was doing an arm exercise, his arms flexing as he did the exercise, he had the perfect amount of muscle, not too much that it was scary and not scrawny.

I started chewing on my lip, ouch, I missed a step and almost tripped. I heard a small chuckle, he was watching me. Time to have some fun.

I stopped doing the lunges, purposefully standing facing away from Drew, I readjusted the weight in my hands and started doing squats. And I knew my ass looked good in these leggings, they were my favorite for a reason.

A few reps later I set the weight back in its place. I didn't work out often and when I did I didn't want to do much so abs would be the last thing I did for the day.

Drew was currently bench pressing, when did he move? I walked over to him, standing above his head, slightly bending over.

"Need a spotter?" I asked with a playful smile, knowing my boobs were right in his view.

"If you keep standing over me like that I might," he winked. I squatted down so my face was right next to his.

"What if I wait here?" I whispered, my lips grazing his ear. He groaned, still lifting the weights. I smiled to myself, standing up and walking away to go finish my work out.

When I was done I grabbed one of the small complementary towels to wipe off my sweat before heading back to the apartment to shower.

"Hey," Drew said coming up behind me, I looked at him through the mirror in front of us.

"Hello," I said acting as normal as possible, as if his sweaty body wasn't pressed against mine. 

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