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I woke up naked, my body covered with fluffy white sheets. But my head wasn't on a pillow, I didn't want to open my eyes, I was comfy and didn't want to ruin that by my thoughts.

"Good morning," Drew said tucking hair behind my ear. I opened my eyes, a small smile already on my face.

"Good morning," I said lifting my head, resting my chin on his chest. He lifted his head to lightly kiss me.

"I've got a late call time, want to do something?" he asked.

"Drew," I sighed, I laid my head on his chest again, "How many times do I have to explain that we're not dating?"

"Not a date just two friends hanging out," he explained, "You did it with Deion"

"You are jealous aren't you!" I exclaimed sitting up, looking down at him.

"I mean yeah, you're hot and I don't want him thinking he can get with you"

"Well to make you feel better I don't have any feelings towards him"

"So you have feelings for me?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself buddy," I said getting out of the bed.

"Can I borrow a shirt to run across the hall and get ready?" I asked getting out of the bed.

"Top drawer on the left," he said pointing at the dresser. I nodded and opened the drawer.

"So we're hanging out?" he asked.

"If it'll make you stop being jealous," I said while I picked a shirt from the bottom of the drawer to make sure it wasn't one my brother had seen him wear yet.

"I'll bring this back," I said sliding the shirt over my head and then sliding on my jeans from last night.

"Meet me down stairs in an hour?" he asked as I collected the rest of my clothing.

"Sounds good," I nodded exiting the room.

I made my way across the hall. I knew my brother would be up it was all ready eleven am.

"Good morning," Austin said from the kitchen.

"Good morning," I smiled, I had all of my clothing in my hands as I held onto my shoes by the laces.

"Good night?" he asked when he saw me holding all of my belongings and a random shirt covering my body.

"Very," I winked, "Want details?"

"No, no," He yelled, "Not a word, I don't care how old you are you are my innocent baby sister"

I laughed at him and then dropped my stuff on the couch, picking out a new outfit from my suitcase before heading to the bathroom to shower and get ready.

"Where you off to?" Austin asked as I grabbed a snack from the cabinet.

"Just going down to the beach," I smiled, which probably wasn't a lie.

"I'll be on set tonight, if you need me text me," he yelled as I started to leave the apartment.

"Break a leg!" I yelled shutting the door.

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