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It had been a few hours since lunch and I was chilling on the couch with my guitar, a mixed drink beside me since it was now almost eight at night.

"Lynnie! What should I wear?" Austin yelled slowly coming closer.

"It would be more helpful if I could see options," I teased right as he entered the living room.

"Well, as you can now see," he glared at me, I just smiled at him, "Blue stripes or plaid?"

He was holding up two shirts and had on black jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Plaid," I said after looking at the shirts.

"What are you going to do tonight?" He asked setting down the striped shirt and taking the plaid one off the hanger, unbuttoning it and sliding it on.

"I'll probably be right here watching a movie," I smiled, "Maybe some drinks to keep life interesting"

"What movie?" he asked.

"Why so many questions?" I laughed, "I don't know probably a comedy"

"Just doing my brotherly duty," he replied. I laughed at him.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"Probably in a couple minutes"

I nodded and went back to laying on the couch with my guitar, strumming random strings.

A few drinks later and probably a couple hours, I looked at my phone to check the time I hadn't actually looked in a while.

"Ten?" I said out loud to no one.

Should I go over there? Maybe a couple more shots first.

I got off the couch, leaving my guitar on the couch. I went to the kitchen and found the vodka. I didn't bother grabbing a shot glass, I just got a chaser and took a couple confident booster shots straight from the bottle.

Am I really doing this shit again? Why am I like this? Fuck it I want to get fucked.

I put the vodka away then grabbed my keys and phone.

I took a deep breath now standing in front of his door before reaching up and knocking.

"Hey," Drew smiled opening the door, also obviously a few drinks in. God damn that smile.

I just sent him a quick smile before quickly put my hands on his face kissing him, pushing him into the darkly lit apartment, the door shut behind us.

"Eager much," Drew mumbled between kisses, his hands holding me by my waist.

"Shut up," I smiled between kisses, my arms sliding down his neck and down chest to the end of shirt starting to remove it as we continued towards the couch.

We broke the kiss as I slid the shirt off his beautiful body, admiring him for a second before he sat down on the couch and I straddled his lap, eagerly connecting our lips again.

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