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br00klyn.n0rth posted

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br00klyn.n0rth the best remedy


drewstarkey love my personal pillow

fan29 goals

madelyncline what cha reading?

Drew and I never actually talked about the fight but I was okay with that. I didn't want to talk about it, being with him felt right, any bad thoughts I had previously, were gone.

We were back to spending tons of time together and he was being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, especially since I was still slightly limping around and still couldn't drive.

"Hey, B?" Drew said as he drove us back to my apartment after my physical therapy.


"What would you say about moving in together?" he asked.

"Huh?" I almost shouted in shock.

"Would you want to move in together?" he reworded his question.

"Uh, no I heard you, I was just surprised," I explained.

One thing I hadn't told him yet was that I was in the middle of talking with 5 Seconds of Summer and the Chainsmokers about touring with them, I had only not said anything because nothing was official yet.

"Uh, I don't know," I sighed.

"Why? We spend almost every day together, why not save us both some money and just share an apartment," he explained, trying to persuade me.

"I'm not against it I swear, it's just I have some work stuff happening and I don't know if the timings right"

"What stuff?"

I took a deep breath.

"I might be going on a half year world tour," I blurted.

"What?" Drew said coming to a red light, turning to look at me.

"I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you but things are still being figured out"

"That's exciting, but a whole year?"

"Half a year," I pointed out as he started to drive again.

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