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The next morning I woke up beside Drew in a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts covering the top half of me along with his fluffy white comforter.

"Good morning," I whispered pressing a lazy kiss on Drew's bare shoulder.

"Morning," he mumbled as he moved around in the bed trying to get comfortable again.

"Come here," I opened my arms, Drew smiled sleepily his eyes half open as he slid over to lay his head on my chest.

I ran my fingers threw his hair closing my eyes to fall asleep again, Drew's arms wrapping around me under the oversized shirt, squeezing lightly, causing butterfly's to flutter in my stomach.

We slept for a while longer before finally getting up for the day and getting ready. We had plans to wonder the wonderful city of Charleston with Loren and Austin since Loren had never been before.

br00klyn.n0rth posted a story

"I don't wanna go," I pouted

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"I don't wanna go," I pouted.

The last week had gone by so fast but it made me happy seeing both my siblings get along with Drew. Even thought I knew they would, especially Austin since they knew each other before I even knew Drew.

The whole week when Drew wasn't filming I hung out with him or him and my siblings making the most of my last week there. The cast and I went to so many clubs and bars we lost count.

And I couldn't count the amount of times Madelyn, Madison and I walked home hand in hand, stumbling all the way to the apartment building.

"Don't," Drew sighed his hand holding the side of my face, his thumb grazing my cheek.

"I have to," I sighed, "I have to be in Palm Springs in two days for a writing camp"

"I know, I know"

A knock on the door made me jump.

"Come in," Drew shouted assuming it was my siblings, he moved to stand beside me, his arm still around my shoulders.

"Ready, B?" Loren asked as her and Austin entered the apartment.

"No," I pouted, my arms over my chest, Austin laughed at me, which made me flip him off.

"Okay, you love sick pup, we've got a flight to catch," Loren smiled at me.

I sighed, "Lets go"

The four of us made our way to the elevator, my guitar case in hand, Drew pulling my suitcases. My brother and sister leading the way.

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