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br00klyn.n0rth posted

 liked by madisonbaileybabe and 9,189 others

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liked by madisonbaileybabe and 9,189 others

br00klyn.n0rth any guesses what this is for?


jonathandavissoffical ma'am which way is what?
br00klyn.n0rth all of the above

fan62 new music video??

hichasestokes i read the same way!
br00klyn.n0rth twinsies

I had been filming a couple new music videos to put out as follow ups to the album. But right now I was out to lunch with JD who was in town visiting.

"I think I'm going to go insane," I sighed taking a sip of my wine.

"Why?" he asked from across the table.

"My life feels like it's on a loop," I picked up a french fry, "Like a broken record"

"And why is that?" he questioned, with a tone of 'just answer my question'.

Which in all honestly I was half avoiding answering but I was more so trying to figure out what to say.

"I can trust you right?" I squinted, pointing a french fry at him.

"With ya life," he nodded taking a bit of his sandwich.

"I'm bored, I've spent the last month either at the studio or filming videos all day then going to Drew's, eating dinner, fooling around," I winked, "And then sleep, repeat," I explained.

"Seems like a good life"

"It's boring! I need something fun to happen! Like in Charleston we would go out or I'd go do things by myself but here is just work work work," I rested my head in my hand.

"Then let's plan a night out!" JD suggested.

"Yes!" I agreed, sitting up straighter and smiling, "Please!"

"Do I have to plan it?" I questioned really not wanting to.

"I'll do it," he laughed basically reading my mind, "It'll take two texts to the group chat to have it planned"

I laughed knowing he was right.

br00klyn.n0rth posted

n0rth posted

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