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I groaned fixing the pillow under my head as the sun started to shine into the room through the curtains, this whole sleeping in the living room thing was going to get old quick.

I pulled up the blanket I had covering my body, up to cover my head and block the sun.

I did not want to get up get, I felt gross and hungover from last night. I had no plans for the day so I was going to spend the day recovering, meaning sleeping all day.

I fell back asleep for a little while before my brother burst through the front door, some how making a shit ton of noise.

"Shut up!" I groaned rolling over, pulling the blanket over my head again.

"B, you gotta get up, eat something," Austin said.


"You haven't even changed out of your clothes from last night"


"Get up," he said pulling the blanket off of me. I groaned again.

"Can you stop? I want to sleep, I feel like shit," I said finally opening my eye and sitting up. Shit he wasn't alone, Drew and JD stood in the kitchen.

"Uh would of been nice to know there were people here," I glared at my brother, who just shrugged. I got off the bed and decided to go shower to try and feel more alive.

"I bought you food!" Austin called after me. I ignored him for the time being and closed the bathroom door.

I turned on the shower and striped my clothes off, wrapping my hair up into a bun since I didn't plan on washing it yet. Entering the shower and letting to warm water run down my body was already making me feel better.

After washing my body, I turned off the water and exiting the shower, drying my body off and putting on some lotion. I had already taken over half of the bathroom with my products, yet my suitcase was sitting open on the living room floor and I had forgotten to grab clothes before coming to shower.

So I wrapped the towel around myself and exited the bathroom, when I entered the living room the three boys were sitting at the high top counter eating.

"Breakfast burrito?" JD trailed off, spinning around in his chair seeing me in my towel.

"Maybe after I change," I smiled kneeling down to my suitcase in the corner, digging out a white bikini, jean shorts and an oversized flannel.

I went back to the bathroom to change into my outfit for the day, I fixed my hair into a messy low ponytail for the time being, knowing I would be even messier after I went to the beach. I did some quick, simple make up just to help myself feel more put together.

I went back out to the living room, "I'm going to head down to the beach"

I stood in the kitchen grabbing some snacks and putting them in a bag that already had a towel, a book and sunscreen in it.

"By yourself?" Drew questioned.

"Yes because I am a grown women who isn't going to let one thing scare me from living my life," I explained confidently.

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