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  "Good morning New York it's a rainy day so be sure to grab an umbrella before you head out today, and up next is What The Hell by Avril Lavigne and we are in for a treat but more on that lat-" the alarm sounded as I groaned, throwing the covers off me before lugging myself to the bathroom and brushing my teeth. I was not a morning person in the least bit, and it was summer, but Uncle Tony had told me he signed me up for some type of camp so now I was getting ready for us to go. 

  "Jess you almost ready in there," Tony asked with a soft knock to the door as I spit out my mouthwash and walked out of my bathroom.

  "Just have to do my hair and makeup before I go," I said with my slight British accent, and a forced smile as I walked towards my closet, pulling out some short shorts and a very revealing, black crop top for the day.

  "Can you go so I can finish getting ready," I laughed as he smiled, walking out of my room, and closing my door. I quickly slipped on my clothes and a pair of black high heels before sitting down to do my makeup, and attempted to straighten my crazy, thick wavy hair, but to no avail. It was short anyways, and the bottom half was a dark green I had loved since I could remember. I tied it into a small, messy ponytail, and did some dark grey eyeshadow with red lipstick, and painted my black acrylic nails a new coat so they weren't all chipped from helping Tony work on his Iron Man suit. I slipped on my black lace choker, and gold heart necklace as an only reminder of my mother, who died when I was born. 

  "We have to get going kiddo, we can stop for breakfast on the way," Tony said as my door opened, and he walked in in one of his suits.

  "I'm ready," I smiled, grabbing my bags as we headed to his car. We grabbed some food, and drove another twenty minutes to the airport to take a private flight from California to DC where I would stay the rest of the summer.

  "You know the drill, call me if you need anything alright, I'll miss you Jessica," he smiled as someone grabbed my bags from the plane, and we got into an all black car with highly tinted windows. I didn't pay attention to the back of the car, sitting on my phone as I texted Hannah, my best friend, but my phone was quickly grabbed from my hands after the door shut, and I realized I wasn't alone in the car.

  "What the hell is going on," I asked quickly as I stuck my hand in my bag as it put my black and gold armor around my hand as I aimed it at him.

  "Miss Stark there really is no need for that," the man's voice boomed as I smirked to myself.

  "Well right now I feel like I'm being kidnapped, and I know how to defend myself so start talking or get blasted into tomorrow," I hissed as he sighed heavily.

  "Director Nicholas J. Fury of SHIELD, Miss Stark we were alerted when your uncle told everyone he was Iron Man, and by doing so put you in serious danger, so we sent an agent to talk to him about sending you here to train," he said as I lowered my hand slightly.

  "Where exactly is here?"

  "The biggest SHIELD database, and training center out there, the Triskelion," he said as the car halted.

  "Looks like we're here," he said as someone came to the side and opened the door as I made out her features with shoulder length, wavy dark red hair and pale skin dressed in a leather suit.

  "This the new recruit," she asked sternly as Fury nodded.

  "Woah, wait recruit I'm twenty one, Tony would not have signed me up for being a recruit without asking," I said as I saw someone taking my bags inside.

  "Well, he did, for your protection of course," he said as he handed me my backpack with my armor in it.

  "Nick, who's the kid, not one of yours I take it," a tall, skinny man with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a light grey suit with a solid black tie and white button up and pants that matched his suit jacket.

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