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  After about two hours of labor I finally had my babies.

  "Twins," I huffed in joy as I held my baby girls in my arms.

  "Twin girls," Steve smiled as I smiled, tears crawling down my face.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I never thought I would love something so much," I laughed as I looked at the twins in my arms.

  "She's beautiful," I smiled as I gave her my index finger, and her tiny hand wrapped around it.

  "What are their names," Nat smiled as she held the other baby in her arms, a bright smile on her face.

  "Natasha, Natasha and Jennavieve," I smiled as she looked at me.

  "We'll call her Jenna," I smiled as I held her close.

  "Tony...I wanted to ask you to be their godfather, and Nat, their godmother," I smiled as they both nodded, and I gently handed Tony Jenna.

  "Of course," he smiled as her eyes opened, showing beautiful blue eyes.

  "Her eyes are blue," I smiled as she looked at me.

  "She looks just like you otherwise," Steve smiled as I nodded.

  "Let's let Jess rest, we'll take care of these two," Tony smiled as I nodded, feeling drained.

  It's been five months since then, and the team just got back from shutting down their fifth Hydra base so far.

  "Oh my god Tony what the hell did you do," Pepper asked as the girls giggled on the floor of the lounge room in the tower.

  "This one was a little tougher than the others, but still, no scepter," he sighed as Steve came over to the twins and I, kissing me before picking up a giggly Natasha who's green eyes shone brightly.

  "Da," she babled before I had a chance to say anything.

  "She just called me da, I'm a dad," he smiled as I giggled, Jenna crawling over to Nat as she picked her up.

  "Please," Tony argued with Pepper for the tenth time since I had the twins. Tony wanted kids, but he only wanted them with Pepper, I didn't understand why they weren't married yet.

  "They only sleep if I sleep, and they already started walking," I smiled as I stood up.

  "Any powers yet," Clint asked as I shook my head.

  "Nope, I'm starting to think they're normal kids, which is fine by me," I sighed as Thor walked over, smiling at Natasha as she gripped his long hair.

  "You guys are filthy, go wash up then you can play all you want," I laughed, taking a twin on each hip as I set them on the couch, and Pepper sat with me.

  "I'm actually going to wash up too," I yawned as I saw the sleeping twins in the playpen.

  "Okay, I've got them," she laughed as I nodded, walking with Steve to his room.

  "I missed you Rogers," I sighed as he smiled, kissing me again.

  "I missed you more, tonight, you and me date okay," he smiled as I nodded, resting my head on his chest.

  "You waiting to join me or something doll," he chuckled as I smirked.

  "Maybe, something wrong with that Rogers," I smirked again, tracing the star on his chest. After we washed up we got dressed and cuddled for about an hour.

  "Can't life just stay like this?"

  "What, you raising two kids while I go take down villain bases," Steve asked sarcastically as I laughed.

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