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  I didn't understand, the girl they had tortured and dumped at the Avengers tower was standing in front of us, her eyes glowing blue and green with black surrounding her pupils. Her hand was tightly clenched to Loki's staff, and her veins were black as her hands turned blue, a crown forming on her head.

  "What is she doing here? Why aren't you doing anything," I spat as I went to shoot at her, but was thrown against a wall as she strutted towards Strucker.

  "I want to take down Stark just as much as you...if not more," she said darkly, her accent more prominent than ever as I read her thoughts. She didn't want to take down Stark, she wanted to rule Asgard.

  "Why come here then," Pietro asked as I walked up to him.

  "My true name is Nótt, Goddess of the night and darkness, and I've been forsaken my entire life," she snapped as she smiled darkly at me.

  "Why should we trust you?"

  "I want revenge on Stark just as bad as you do," she hissed, her eyes glowing green as she handed me a box with two earpieces.

  "I'll contact you when they call me to help," she said before disappearing through the doors.


  "Steve have you seen my phone," I yelled as I walked around, flipping over everything in the tower as I searched for it.

  "I thought you had it this morning," he said, poking his head into the room.

  "It's three pm, I got up an hour ago, and it was gone," I said as I ran my hands through my messy hair. I never slept in, but lately I just couldn't sleep so I would be up all night training and crash afterwards.

   "I saw you at like six this morning with your slippers and a bathrobe, with pajama pants on walking to get coffee," he said as I looked at him in confusion.

  "I fell asleep at five."

  "Well then you sleep walk," he shrugged as I just continued my search.

  "Aha, there it is," I smiled to myself as I saw it sitting on the table, cracked I may add.

  "Who broke my phone," I huffed as everyone shook their heads.


  "It wasn't me I swear," he said, putting his hands up in surrender as I looked around drowsily, giving up on finding the culprit as I slammed it on the counter before going back to bed. Man, I was not feeling well today, and it sucked.

  "Hey,  have you heard anything from Jess, I said some things to her and I just really need to talk to her," Tony asked as I groaned into my pillow.

  "No, but you need to apologize Tony, she had a point, and you completely disregarded it," I said as he nodded.

  "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to attempt to sleep away this flu," I mumbled as he shut my door, and I nuzzled into my pillow, pulling the blankets over my head before dozing into a deep sleep.


  "Has anybody heard from Jess in the last week," I asked as everybody shook their heads.

  "I haven't heard anything since I picked Nat up from babysitting the twins," Steve said as I sighed.

  "Something doesn't feel right," I said quietly as a cold breeze filled the room.

  "I found the base," I heard a familiar voice say as I turned around to see Jess, suit on and ready to go on a mission.

  "What are you talking about we got them all?"

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