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  I got back to the tower, and everyone looked at me with either anger, or disapproval for leaving without telling any of them.

  "You're a mother, you can't just leave without telling us Jess," Tony scolded as I looked at him angrily.

  "You do not get to tell me how to parent Anthony Stark, the man who only partially raised me, you know that's why I had so few memories with you," I yelled as he stopped, looking at me with great sadness as everyone looked at me.

  "Yeah, that's right, I remember everything now Tony, it all came back on that mission, that was the place I was being held for five moths while my memory was wiped every other week while you what moped around? Happy and Pepper raised me while you partied and drank! Where do you think I got my love of alcohol, why I came home late at night when Happy tried to call you because I was drunk or high again and again?! I almost died and so little changed, but now because the world thinks your some kind of hero you're going to pretend you are when really you're just- just-"

  "Just what Jessica, come on you got that far in your sentence I'm just what, the man that fought to keep you out of the system? The man who gave you whatever you wanted when I wasn't there, who-who always made sure you had money in your pocket and food in your stomach, who tried to protect you when he revealed himself as Iron Man," he screamed at me as I flinched back slightly the twins crying and screaming in Steve's arms as I tried to make sure I didn't lose control of my powers.

  "Stuff doesn't compensate for parenting," I shook my head as I walked towards Steve to grab my children, but he moved away.

  "Steve give me my kids."

  "Who are you anymore," he asked as I felt a wave of hurt and disbelief hit me like a train.

  "Let us ask you this Jess, did you do this," Nat asked, holding up a tablet showing the Hydra base, every room having people in it with ice spikes through them, all of them dead.

  "No...I- I mean yes, but it wasn't supposed to kill them it was supposed to hold them until SHIELD got there."

  "You killed over two hundred people in a single night, still think Loki's bad," Steve spoke as I looked at my daughters in his arms.

  "I'm a monster, I should never have been born," I huffed as tears spilled down my face, and fell to the floor frozen. I was losing control, and I couldn't stop it, so I ran to the elevator, going up to the roof.

  "Why did you make me, I'm a monster! Why," I screamed off the roof as Thor came through the door.

  "Please Jess, move away from the edge."

  "Why should I? I'm a murderer!"

  "You didn't mean to, please," he pleaded as I shook my head, backing up as my foot slipped off the edge, and I didn't care if I hit the ground.

  "No," he screamed as I closed my eyes, and continued falling. The thing that stopped me was hearing my daughter scream through the window as I passed, making me open my eyes, and stop myself barely off the ground as the road shattered below me. When my feet touched the pavement I ran, not knowing where else to go I ran to the best friend I had...May Parker.

  "Hey May, I know this is last minute, but do you think I can stay for a few days, just till I can get on my feet and get an apartment," I asked sadly as she opened her door, hugging me when I finished.

  "Of course dear, but where are the twins?"

  "With the team," I sighed as she let me inside, and I immediately saw Peter playing cards with Ben.

  "Hey Jess," they both smiled as I smiled back.

  "What happened," she asked, sitting on the couch next to me as I sighed.

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