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  The next time I woke up I was in a quinjet with Nat, Steve, Tony and Loki.

  "What the hell happened," I grumbled as Tony looked at me with worried eyes, and I truly saw Loki for the first time.

  "Loki had control of you," Tony said as he pulled me into a hug.

  "Why you cockroach," I threatened once I pulled away from Tony, and my icy form showed itself in front of Loki.

  "Am I really the cockroach here," he asked with a smirk as I went to go at him, but was stopped by Steve.

  "How long was I gone," I huffed as Steve looked into my eyes as they faded back to normal.

  "A few days, but you seem fine now, so we'll get you back to base, and you should rest.

  "I'm an Avenger, and an adult Tony, I'm fine," I said as he put his hands up in surrender as I studied Loki's features.

  "Who did you say you were again," I asked as I examined him closely.

  "Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief and Prince of Lies," he said as I turned towards Tony, who I could tell saw the same thing I did.

  "He looks like he could be my twin," I whispered to him as we stood in a small corner.

  "He really does, you look just like him, but don't get too close, I don't want you getting hurt."

  "Copy that," I smiled as I sat down, and drifted off for a while.

  "Jess, wake up we're landing soon," Tony said gently as I opened my eyes, and looked around, stretching as I saw a new face staring at me.

  "Umm, hi," I said nervously as I stood up. Everything was blurry, so I went to check if I knocked my contacts again, and I hadn't, it came right out like usual, and my vision was perfect.

  "Huh, weird," I shrugged it off, because weirder things had happened, and introduced myself to the tall blonde man.

  "Jessica Stark," I said as the man looked at Loki, who looked at me in shock, causing everyone to look at me.

  "Thor Odinson," he said with a firm handshake like the weird exchange of looks didn't happen, and Tony actually had a good idea.

  "I know you've always known you can read minds, figure out what he's thinking," Tony communicated as I smirked to myself, and went into his head, seeing memories that I never thought I would see.

  "You knew my mother," I asked out loud as tears pricked my eyes.

  "How did you-"

  "And you were in love with her," I turned towards Loki.

  "She meant nothing, just a puny mortal like the rest of you creatures," he spat as this time Tony went towards him, slapping him harshly.

  "Why do you say knew in past tense, and mother," Thor asked as I nodded.

  "Yes, she died when I was a baby," I said as I looked at Thor, sitting back down.

  "Why do you ask," I asked, leaning on my knees with my elbows as I looked over at Loki who looked at the floor.

  "What's your problem," I scoffed as he ignored me.
  "Whatever," I scoffed again, wiping the tears from my eyes as I turned my attention to my phone.

  "Hey, what was that," Tony asked as we walked out of the jet once we landed on the helicarrier.
  "Nothing, it won't happen again," I said as I continued my quick pace inside.

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