Chapter 3: Lies

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I see Phil walk out of the bathroom with a towel on. He is so- no, I just thought about this. He walks quickly into his room, shutting the door and locking it quickly. I go on my phone, and browse tumblr. I smell a slight burning smell.
"Shit," I mumble to myself. I look over to the stove and quickly jump up to see the pancake on the pan smoking. I quickly flip it over, noticing the complete charred and inedible pancake. Damn it. Just then Phil walks out of the room wearing a laser cat t-shirt.
"Is something burning?" He asks worriedly looking at me with his sea blue eyes.
"Yeah.. I was trying to make pancakes for us, but I completely murdered this one" I say. He giggles quietly.
"Well are you going to make more? I'm starving!" He says grinning.
"Definitely, I'm hungry too!" I say smiling so wide my lips start to hurt. He sits down at the table and goes on his phone. I continue to make pancakes until there is no batter left.
"Bon appetite Monsieur," I say handing him a plate with 3 pancakes, bowing slightly.
"Gracias" he says grinning. I laugh at his cuteness but then remember my plan.
"So Phil, I'm going to go into town for a bit by myself, to buy some new clothes"
I say staring into my plate of pancakes.
" you don't want me to come?" He asks looking concerned.
"No, I do it's just.." My voice trails off, what can I do? Think, think, THINK.
"I buying you a present, and I want it to be a surprise" I say.
"Oh! Ok,why are you buying me a present? It's not close to my birthday or Christmas" he asks shovelling the pancakes in his mouth.
"Well your such a great friend and all, so I just thought I would get you something to thank you for that," I say hoping he believes me. He smiles and continues to eat his pancakes.
"Dan, why are you getting me a present for being a good friend when it should be me getting you one! You are always so kind and caring and you would never keep a secret!" He says. I put on a fake smile, and eat my pancakes.
"I don't know, I want to make you feel better for whatever it is your sad about. And don't worry, you don't need to tell me until your ready" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He gives me a quick smile and puts his plate in the sink.
"When will you be back" he asks.
"A couple hours, I want to make sure I get you the perfect present for being my best friend" I say smiling. He gives me a quick hug, as I put my coat on and grab my wallet. Then I walk out the door and leave. I feel tingles after he hugs me, but quickly ignore them as I walk into town feeling horrible at my lie.

I'm baaaaaack! I will be posting another chapter ASAP! 😘 luv yall!

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