Chapter 11: The Reveal

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What just happened? One moment I'm cuddled up with Phil and the next, he's hanging over me kissing my neck. I hate when people touch my neck, it feels like 1000 pedophiles touching it all at the same time. But when Phil kisses my neck so gently, it makes me feel...amazing. As he kisses, he leaves little bite marks that make me moan slightly. It was a bit more load then intended.

"Your cute when you moan" Phil said looking back up.

"Shut up" I say trying to make an angry face even though I probably look stupid. He moves his head closer to my ear so he is breathing warmly on my neck.

"Make me" he said in a low voice, making me shiver, chills going down my spine. Suddenly there was a small vibration in my pocket. No not that! It's my phone. I sighed and dug into my pocket. Once I found it I sighed again.

"What is it Hun?" Phil asked laying down beside me snuggling into my chest.

"We have to leave in a half an hour to go to Pj's" I said sadly. It's not like I don't wanna see Pj but I just wanna be with Phil and get lost in his adorable blue eyes.

"What? How long did we cuddle for?" He asked wide eyed.

"I don't know" I said sadly.

"Well..whatever! Let's get ready! Maybe we can cuddle at Pj's house. And we have to tell them that were a thing" Phil said smiling. Then he kissed me gently.

"Okay" I smiled.


We arrived at Pj's place a bit late, and we knocked on the door to be welcomed by Chris.

"Hey guys! How ya doing?" He asked gesturing for us to come in. We went in and saw Pj sitting on the couch.

"Oh yea were fine" I said looking at Phil.

"Yeah yeah...were good" Phil said nodding at me reassuringly. We walked over to Pj and sat down on the couch opposite of him.. We sat awkwardly in silence for about a minute before Pj broke the silence.

"Soooo... What do you guys wanna do?" He asked looking around the room.

"Well.. Before we do and I have something we need to tell you " I said looking at him nervously.

"I think I already know what it is" Chris said raising an eyebrow and giving a cheeky smile. Pj looked at him confused.

"What?" Pj said looking back at us. I sighed and held Phil hand gently, then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Pj gasped and Chris squealed uncontrollably.

"I knew it!" Chris said jumping up and down. Pj just stared at us. What? Does he not accept us?

"Pj..are you okay?" Phil asked a bit concerned. Pj snapped out of it.

"Yes! Sorry you guys just surprised me! How long has this been going on?" Pj asked sounding a bit more calm.

"Oh a few days.." Phil said putting his head on my shoulder.

"PHAN IS REAL!" Chris said smiling widely. Phil giggled and I felt my cheeks getting hot, as they turned a bit red.

"I-I guess you could say that" Phil said giving me a small kiss on my head.

"Hey Peej" I said moving a bit closer to Phil.

"Yes Daniel Lester" he said snickering. I looked at Phil as he was giggling. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you have any wine?" I asked looking around.

"I might, let me go check" he said going into the kitchen.

"I'll come with you" Chris said walking with Pj. I looked at Phil. He looked a bit startled.

"What's wrong love?" I asked hugging him tighter.

"Nothing..I-I just don't want any wine" he said staring into space.

"Why not love?" I asked.

"I don't want to get drunk tonight..and it will be for the best if one of us to be sober, you know so we can get home safely" he said looking back at me with a small smile. I smiled back.

"Okay, thank you" I said giving him a small kiss on his lips.

"Woah! We can just leave you two alone if you want!" Chris said sarcastically, holding a bottle of red wine. Pj laughs softly walking into the lounge with another four wine glasses.

"Oh, Pj? Phil doesn't want any" I said, Phil put his head in my chest.

"Okay" Pj said placing three of the four wine glasses on the table then heading back into the kitchen.

"Are you sure Phil? It's really good wine" Pj yelled from the kitchen. Phil looked up again.

"Yeah I'm sure, I want to be sure Dan gets home safe" he said smiling up at me. Pj walked back in and sat down. Chris opened the bottle and poured the exquisite red wine in our glasses. I sipped my glass and put my arm around Phil. He put his head on my shoulder looking at my glass. I sighed.

"Are you sure you don't want some? How about just a sip" I said giving him the glass.

"I don't know" he said looking at the glass as if it were going to make him faint.

"It's just a sip Phil, a sip won't get you drunk" I said reassuringly. He nodded and took a small sip.

"It's so good" he said taking another sip, a bit bigger.

"Okay, okay that's enough now" I said taking the glass back. We looked back at Chris and Pj. They had already drank their first glass.

"I have an idea!" Chris announced. We all turned to him.

"What's your idea?" Phil asked. He gave a small smirk.

"Let's play truth or dare" Chris said.

"You guys in?" He asked looking around.

"We're not 13 year old girls Chris, but sure why not!" I said laughing.

"I'll play" Pj said smiling. I looked down at Phil.

"I guess I'll play too" Phil said giving a small smile.


Hey phriends! No? Yeah that ones not good either..anyway OMG 400 READS! You guys and girls are amazing like I can't believe it like seriously you all get free lion plushies! I will have a new update soon. I love you all so much❤️😘💕

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