Chapter 20: Attack

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Its almost 10:30. My stomach is twisting and turning as I put my jacket and shoes on. I've had so many urges to tell Dan where and why we are going for this "walk". He keeps asking if I'm okay and if im sure im well enough to go. I just keep telling him I'm fine. But I'm not fine. I'm probably about to be killed by a psycopath who used to be a fan of Dan and I. "Are you ready to go?' Dan askes sweetly. No I'm not ready. My boyfriend and I are about to take a step into hell, where we will be tortured. "yes, Lets go." I answer quietly. I slowly walk down the hall to our front door. Dan follows behind me. waiting for me to open the door. As I put my hand on the knob I get a very sick feeling in my stomach begging me not to go. Begging me to run up to dan hug him tightly and tell him what is happening. but I know better. I know that if I do that she'll surely find out and hurt Chris and Pj. I don't understand why she's got them tangled in this mess. I use ever muscle in my body to make the sudden sickness to go away. I finally open the door. walking out slowly as Dan grabs my hand and smiles at me warmly. I fake smile back, and his smile fades away. We walk onto the lift, and Dan pushes the button. "going down" a voice from the lift says. It reminds me of when Dan and I filmed our day in the life video, so i smile. Those were good times when we didnt have to worry about Chris getting hit by a car, Pj sobbing over his broklen body saying it was his fault. Me getting kidnapped and beaten by Dan's insane ex girlfriend. Me getting strange and scary calls and text messeges from a psycopath out to get me and my boyfriend. But now I cant even think of anything happy. The only happy thoughts in my mind are how I'm still with Dan, and that he didn't reject me that day when He first saw the love that I had for him. "What are you smiling about?" Dan asks giggling slightly. " I'm smiling cause I'm with you" I say tapping his nose with my finger. He smiles and kisses my lips softly. I kiss him back putting my hand at the back of his head. Sadly he pulls away as we are at the last floor. The doors open and we walk out hand in hand. We start walking outside and the cold air hits me. Dan notices me shiver and brings me closer to him wrapping his arm around my waist. I snuggle into his warmth and softly smile. "So what way are we going?" He asks and I point up the road. "T-to the abandon hardware store" I answer and he follows in that direction. We walk in silence, not awkward silence, just comforting silence. Juat comfortable in each others presents. Surprisingly there arn't any cars, which I guess isn't that surprising as it's 10 at night. I look up at Dan who is staring upwards toward the sky. "Why are you looking at the sky?" I ask and his chocolate brown eyes stare back at me. "Because the sky reminds me of you" He answers and I start getting confused. "The sky is so beautiful and so amazing. It also has stars that twinkle like you blue eyes. it almost feels like you could swim in the sky, just like your eyes. And the black reminds me of your perfect ebony black fringe. The darkness reminds me of how you have a dark side to you, like how you love horror films. And in the sky is space, and space is one of the most interesting things to learn about..just like you. You can never get tired of seeing a beautiful blue sky, just like I could never get bored of a beautiful guy like you." He Explains. I feel my heart skip a beat and I stop walking. "I love you phil, And I always will No matter what happens" I smash my lips against his as I start to feel my eyes tearing up. "stop it Dan your gonna make me cry" I say sitting down on a bench next to us. Dan sits next to me holding my hand and kissing it. I close my eyes drinking in the moment . "I love you too dan, i really do lo-" I suddenly feel somthing damp on my face. I quickly open my eyes to see Dan with a cloth on his mouth, hands tied behind his back. Before I can react, all I see is darkness and sleep over comes me.


My vision is blurry and my chest is aching. I blink a few times to clear my vision. I Realize im laying on a cold floor. My mouth has been taped shut, my hands are tied behind my back. I look next to me and I see dan with his face all bruised. He has tape over his mouth. I can't tell if hes dead or just knocked out. "damfbnu" I yell the tape muffling my words. I shuffle over to him kicking him lightly. He shuffles a bit and opens his eyes. He starts spazzing out slightly, and tries to scream but he fails. I try to shuffle closer to him to calm him down, but get a shot of pain through my chest. Dan's eyes are getting watery and I look above me to see Fiona carrying a whip and a knife. I wince in pain and my body is aching.

''Are you ready for hell?'' She asks and I try to scream but my body hurts so much for me to say anything. She then laughs like a maniac, and kicks Dan in the stomach. I Try to scream "stop" but she just kicks him harder. Dan is crying now and is gasping for air as he is kicked in the chest multiple times. she then drags him onto a chair and ties him up. She walks to me and ties me to a pole that's across from Dan, my arms struggling as I try to break free from her grasp. she just grips harder scratching at my arms. '' Looks like you've already done some work for me', she says as she looks at my arm littered with scars and cuts from not too long ago. Dan looks at me with such sadness and disappointment. Fiona then digs into my arms revealing blood. My eyes start welling up with tears, then silent tears fall down my face.


Hi.... this was only 1140 words. I couldn't make a super long chapter like I said because I really wanted you guys to see what happens next. I am at my mom's this week so I will try to write as much as possible. I love you guys so much and I have been getting a lot of positive feedback on this book. and im so so SO sorry about the delay.

OFAM: My birthday is May 18th and I am currently 13 years old.

I will talk to you guys later. (btw we are almost at 1k reads!!1!! thanks so much )

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