Chapter 22: The Final Chapter

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(The year 2019)
As I walk with Phil, hand in hand to the large picnic table, I give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"What was that for?" He asks, a small giggle in his speech. "What? I can't give you a kiss on the cheek without being questioned? I did it because I love you!" I answered as I unfolded our small sheet on the table. I look around me to see the beautiful blue sky, green grass, adorable children playing at the park next to us. But most importantly, my handsome husband sitting beside me at the picnic table, setting down the basket. We start to unpack all the food when Phil suddenly says, "hey Dan?" I respond in his same tone "yes Phil?". "Do you remember how I proposed to you?" He asks and I chuckle. "How could I forget?" I think back to about two years ago.

Phil and I are at vidcon on the stage, in front of thousands of people.
"We're going to do something very special!" I say looking to the crowd. Phil giggles, "yes, we are going to do a boyfriend questionnaire, to see who knows the other person better!" Phil shouts and we both sit on the two chairs set for the two of us. I look at my notepad to the first question laid out.
"First question, what is my favourite colour?" I ask. "You have three favourite colours! Black, white and gold!" Phil answers and I smile, impressed. "My turn" Phil says "what is my favourite animal?" I answer quickly "lions, duh.." Phil nods. "Correct, your turn!" He says. I look down again. "This is a bit of a silly one, what is my last name?" Phil chuckles. "Lester" I look at him confused. "What do y-" I stumble. Phil gets off his stool, crouches down, gets on one knee and says, "that is, if you'll take my last name... Daniel James Howell.. Will you marry me?" He pulls out a small box from his back pocket. I cover my mouth with my hand and bite it trying to fight back tears. They end up failing anyway. Everyone in the crowd is crying taking pictures and 'awe'ing. I nod like crazy.
"Yes! Yes of course Phil!" I laugh-cry as he slips the ring on my finger, gets up and kisses me. "I love you Dan, I always have and always will.." He states, tearing up. "I love you more than anything in the world" I say kissing him again. And at that moment I knew, my life was perfect.

*end of flashback*
I look down at my beautiful gold and silver ring, then look back up at Phil. "That was the cutest proposal ever love" I tell him and he smiles. "That may have been a cute proposal, but our wedding was a bit crazy. Wasn't it?" He asks laughing. I nod "yes it was.."

"What do you mean you can't do it?" Chris asks me as I pace around my dressing room crying. "I-I can't get married! What if something goes wrong? What if-" Chris suddenly slaps my cheek. And I rub my cheek gently. "Ow!" I gasp. "I'm sorry but you need some sense knocked into you! You love Phil right? You love him so much you would die for him?" He asks. I look as him wide eyed. "Yes, of course, I love him more than life itself" I answer. "Then you go out there, walk down that isle, and marry that boy! Cause he deserves a good guy like you" Chris says, and I give him a hug. "Thank you.." I say sniffling. I check my hair in the mirror, and check my tux. Everything looks good. (A/N I don't exactly know how homosexual weddings work so Imma just make it up as I go.. Soz). I go to the doors with my dad who is also dressed in a tux. As the doors slowly open I take a deep breath in, link arms with my dad and walk down the aisle. I'm so nervous my legs are shaking but I ignore them. Everyone is taking pictures and smiling ,giving me congratulations. As I slowly make my way to the priest, I think to myself, I am the luckiest guy in the world. I finally reach the end and give my dad a small hug and thank you. He sits down next to my mum, who is crying tears of joy and happiness. I smile and look to all the people there. I see Phil's mum, Chris, PJ, Louise, Carrie and others. We just wanted a small wedding, to make sure no fans found where we were. Suddenly the doors open again, and the most beautiful man is walking, linking arms with his dad. I smile and start tearing up. Phil notices this and looks me in the eyes, then tears start. He doesn't notice the small bump in the white carpet, and he trips! The music stops and everyone gasps. I quickly run over to him. "Phil? Are you okay?" I ask helping him up. "Wh-what happened?" He asks getting back on his feet. "There was a bump in the carpet and you tripped on it" I giggle. "I'm fine..just go back, so we can get married" he smiles, I smile back warmly. I get back to the priest, and the music starts playing again. Phil carefully and slowly starts making his way to me. All I can do is stare into his beautiful blue eyes. His eyes are such a beautiful shade of blue. You could swim in those eyes. I could stare at them all day and never get bored. Phil is in front of me now. He says goodbye to his dad. We stare at each other awkwardly, and smile. I randomly whisper "hi" he giggles and smiled wider. "Hi" he replies. The ceremony goes on an all I can do is stare into Phils beautiful blue orbs. It's time for our vows, we already decided that Phil should go first. "Phil, I believe you have vows for dan?" The Priest says and Phil nods. Phils hands are shaking, and he has cards in his hands that remind him what to say.
"D-Daniel James Howell, I want you to know that I love you more then anything in the world. And I promise to be the best husband ever. I will protect you no matter what. And I am ready to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Dan, and nothing can ever change that" phils eyes are wet with tears but he's smiling. My eyes have already started tearing up. A single tear falls from my face, Phil takes his thumb and whiles it away. I hold out my hand as he slips on the beautiful gold ring on my finger. I sniff a bit and look up at his face. "Dan, it is your turn to give your vows to Phil" the priest says, I smile and look at Phil. I take a deep breath as I attempt to calm down. "Phillip Michael lester. I can't promise you a lot. But I can promise this. I want to be the reason you smile. The reason you laugh, I want to make sure that I love you everyday. And I want to tell you that every day. If I don't tell you how much I love you every day, I give you and any future children, permission to hit me. Because there should be no time of day, where I'm not hugging, kissing, or talking to you about how I love you. And I vow, to always tell you the truth. Even if the truth gives consequences..I don't care. I will always tell the truth. And I vow to love you with all my heart, every day. I love you Phil..and nothing can change that." By now I'm definitely crying, so is Phil. I put his identical ring on his finger and smile. The priest takes a deep breath and begins speaking again. (Once again not even too sure how weddings work so imma make some stuff up XD lolzor) "Philip Michael Lester, do you, take Dan as your husband, to love and to hold,stay through thick and thin, and give your love to?" I look at Phil in his crystal blue eyes. He looks back at me with his teary orbs. "I do." He answers and I smile wide, this is it...I'm about to marry my best friend. The priest turns to me. "Daniel James Howell, do you take Phil as your husband, to love and to hold,stay through thick and thin, and give your love to?" I breath in, and as calmly as I can, whisper a small "I do". My heart suddenly feels Sparks and my eyes flutter at Phil. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom" the priest announces. My face feels hot and tingly, and I move closer to Phils face. Our faces are now centimetres apart. After a few short seconds, Phils lips are pressed against mine. Our families are clapping and cheering, but all I can here is the small voice in my head. It's repeating over and over again "I am married to my best friend..."
*end of flashback*
I laugh a bit. "Hey Dan? Should we call the kids over for lunch?" Phil asks putting all of the food on the cloth. I smile and look up at him. "Yeah we should, they are probably starving!" He laughs and I stand up. I look over to the park to see our oldest son Dil (short for Dillon) pushing Dee (short for deliah) on the baby swing. I mouth a small awe and put my hand in a cup around my mouth, so that they can here me. "DEE! DIL! COME ON ITS TIME FOR LUNCH!" I yell. Dil grabs his little sister out of the swing and helps her walk slowly to us. "They are growing up to fast.." Phil suddenly says. I sigh, "I know..before we know it they will be off to college!" I say back and Phil stands up beside me. "I know...maybe..if you want, we could adopt another one... I mean Dil and Dee arnt going to be little forever, and maybe it would be good to have three" Phil states and I smile. I grab his chin gently, "that's a wonderful idea..I mean we were overjoyed when we adopted Dee and Dil, and we will probably act the same way with the next one. Maybe we should talk with the kids first though, see what they think" I kiss his lips and I hear a small "ewwwie!" I pull away and laugh. "Daddy Dan, I did not need to see that!" Says Dil, and Phil laughs. "Sorry Dil I'll save that for later!" I say and Dee speaks up a bit "dada dat is gwoss!" I laugh. "I know I'm sorry, who wants lunch?" I ask and Dil picks up Dee and runs to the picnic table. "we do!!" Dee is laughing as Dil sets her down. As I give the kids their lunch I start to remember mine and Phils plan. As Dee is eating her apple sauce and Dil is munching some carrots, I remember mine and Phils plan. "So kids, daddy Phil and daddy Dan have been thinking..." I begin and Dil looks up from his carrots. "What is it daddy's?" He says. He acts much older than you would think. He's only 5 years old...but seems to speak like a ten year old. "Well," Phil starts, "we wanted to know, if you kids wanted a new baby brother or sister, would you like that?" He asks and Dee starts smiling and laughing "yes dada! I want a sissy! Yes pwease!" She says and Phil and I giggle. "You want a sister?" I ask, Dee nods. "What about you Dil?" I ask again. Dil looks slightly off. "I don't know daddy's.. Does it have to be a sister? Why not a little brother?" He asks and I look at Phil. Suddenly an idea pops in my head. It may not be the best, but I can make Dee and Dil happy this way. I whisper to Phil "why don't we just adopt twins, a girl, and a boy?" I ask and Phil looks slightly startled by the idea. He whispers back "are you sure Dan? I mean are we ready for four kids? Do we have enough room? Enough money?" He asks. And I smile "don't worry, we most likely have enough money, and even if it gets too crowded, we can just move into a bigger place" I smile, he nods and turns back to the kids. "How about, we get a brother and a sister? Is that a good idea?" They look at each other and both yell "yes!" Except dees yes is more of a scream. Phil and I laugh "okay okay, now you won't get a little brother and sister for a while so you'll just have to be patient!" Phil says and the both nod and continue to eat their food. "Thank you daddy's! I love you!" Dil exclaims and he runs over and hugs us. I gasp and hug him back. Dee then yells "I wuv you too!" And she runs over to hug Us aswell. Phil and I smile and hug them tightly. I kiss both of their fore heads and kiss Phil gently. I think quietly to myself 'I am the luckiest man in the world..I have an amazing husband, two amazing children, and all in all a great family... I wouldn't be here without them. And I love them more everyday. No matter what happens, I will be here for them. Because they are the most important people in my life. People always share moments they wish would never end..and mine, is this one. I have started to try not to have any regrets, because in the end, the only regrets we have...are the chances we never took.

THE END (I think)
Hi...this has been Don't Die On Me(a phanfiction) I know.. I took two months to update. But I must tell you... A lot has happend in two months. I made an Internet friend, school ended, I got pretty messed up from some family things that are still happening, had some dark thoughts, went to a party where almost everyone there judged me, got a boyfriend, almost broke my nose, almost broke my ankle, and made a promise with my friend to save up all of our money to go on a trip to England. So yea...I am sorry though for taking so long, I got into other things, I never forgot about this book though. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed my first ever phanfiction. It was an amazing experience. If you ever want me to write another one, just let me know. I probably will in the future. I don't really know what else to say...this definitely is not goodbye, more like a "talk to you later" kind of thing. Anyway as always I love you guys! Ttyl phriends<3
Twitter: youtubeaddict42
Instagram: artworkbymakayla
Lol I just realized how many dumb names I have for different things. I also have makaylathephangirl, makaylahowell, AlloftheShips and more lolzor I'm a terrible human being XD
~bye 😘for now!~

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