Chapter 21: The Button

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As Fiona ties him up, all I can think is that he cut himself...and he didn't even tell me. And I was too stupid to notice. When Fiona is done, she walks over to me with the whip in her hand. She stops in front of me and raises her arm. I close my eyes not wanting to see. I suddenly feel the whip slash against my back. I try and scream but she gives me a slap to the face. My back feels like it's on fire and I feel my shirt getting wet with blood.

I open my eyes, phil is still tied up and struggling as he tries to get himself untied. He looks at me with such fear and I just close my eyes again. I feel another whip to my back an I start coughing up blood. "I think that's enough for you.." Fiona laughs as she rips my tape off and kisses me roughly. She's a terrible kisser and she tastes disgusting. I don't kiss back and she shoves her tongue down my throat. She finally pulls away and places a new piece of tape on my mouth. "Don't you love when I kiss you Daniel" she asks. And I try to say 'your disgusting' but she doesn't understand with the tape. She just rolls her eyes and pushes me under a table next to her. I bang my head off the table and cry in pain. My vision is blurry, but I still see her walking over to phil. I start crying, and begging her not to hurt phil. But she has already started taking her knife out of her pocket. Phil is crying and looks at me. I manage to bite my tape of my mouth and mouth a small 'I'll think of something, I love you' he nods and closes his eyes.

I close my eyes to help me think. What about my phone? I feel my back pockets, but my phone is gone. What if- my thoughts are interrupted by pain being slashed through my thigh. I look down and Fiona has cut my thigh, thankfully it's not too deep. I screech through the tape but try to ignore the large cut in my leg. I try to think a better way to escape. "Fuck!" Fiona yells. "You little shits better not move, I have to go get something. If you do as I say, maybe I won't hurt you as much" she then laughs like a maniac and leaves the room. Now that it's quieter I can think. We are most likely in the abandoned hardware store. The same one we were headed to, the one that Dan used to work at. The one Dan made a video on, where he was fired by pressing the panic alarm...THATS IT! THE PANIC ALARM! Wait think! Where was the panic alarm? I think back to dan's video. 'I was just dusting like Snow White, when I look under the table..I see a big red button' I remember! Wait...isn't Dan under a table right now? I bite my tape off. "Dan! LOOK ABOVE YOU!" I whisper-yell. He looks above him then looks back at me confused. "Do you see a button under that table?" I ask, he looks up again and nods. "Press it! Press it Dan!" He still looks puzzled. "Dan! It's a panic alarm! Press it! NOW" I say and he looks at me wide eyed. He looks at the button and hits it with his head. We wait about three minutes before finally... We here sirens.. See flashing lights. Finally, we can be free from this nightmare...

Everything after the button was a blur. We were found by police, Fiona was taken to jail, we were questioned by some people. That was it. After all of the craziness phil and I called our parents, and told them that we were okay, they asked how we got in this mess, and we had to explain that me and phil are a couple. My mum wasn't surprised and my dad was a bit sceptical but accepted me, saying if I was happy then he was happy. It was basically the same with Phils parents, but his dad was less surprised. I was just happy my parents didn't hate me, and that I have phil. We found out that Chris and Peej were fine and we told them everything. They were obviously concerned but happy that we were safe. All I wanted right now, was to settle down with phil. Maybe in a year or two get married and adopt two kids, a girl and a boy. But right now, I just wanted to relax. We were back at the apartment sitting on the couch together. "Phil?" I ask. "Yes Dan?" He answers smiling at me, as he hugs me. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask and he giggles. He pecks my lips. "You don't need to tell me, I already know" he answers. I kiss his forehead. "We'll just to be sure I want you to know that your my everything, and I will never stop loving you as long as I live. And I hope that your ready to spend the rest of your life with me, because I'm ready to spend it with you" I announce. He sits quietly for a minute then answers. "I'm ready Dan. I really am"

HI OMG WE GOT 1K READS! I can't thank yall enough! I love you guys so much! And also it's dans birthday tomorrow! How exciting! I just need to know one thing... Do you want one more chapter? I just kinda want to make it like 1 or 2 years later. Idk u guys tell me in the comments! Once again thank you so much for choosing my book to read <3
OFAM: I have blonde hair, green eyes, and I am 5 foot and 2 inches tall...I think. XD (I'm short lol halp)
Byyyeeee 😘😘😘

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