Chapter 14: What Now?

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I wake up to a stop. We are in a car, I can't remember why. I look out the window, were at a hospital. Then it just hits me. Chris got hit bye a car trying to save Pj. I look next to me to see DAN sleeping. I nudge his shoulder.

"Dan" I say softly. He flutters his eyes open sleepily.

"Hm" he mumbles. I kiss his cheek softly.

"We're at the need to get up" I say taking off my seat belt. DAN gasps and I look at him as he is frantically trying to take off his seat belt.

"Dan? What's wrong? What are you doing?" I ask putting my hands on his shoulder attempting to calm him down.

"I-I need to go see Chris!" He yells and I shush him quietly.

"Dan calm down, he will be fine. Being frantic won't help Anything" I assure helping him out of the car. He nods and we walk to the hospital doors with Pj and the paramedic from before. When we get in the paramedic goes into a hall way and into a different room. I look around confused. Dan walks over to me, grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. I smile and look to the front, to see a large desk with a large glass window.

"Can I help you?" The lady on the other side says. The three of us walk over to her.

"U-um yes, we're here for Chris Kendall?" Dan says shaking slightly. The lady has a tag on her shirt that reads 'Carol'. Carol types on her small computer then looks back up at us.

"Yes Chris Kendal is in room 229 on the third floor. Are you family members?" She asks sounding a bit annoyed for some reason.

"U-um no but we-" carol cuts him off.

"I'm only allowed to let you see him if you are family members, so I suggest you go home" she replies bitterly. I realize she's staring at Dan and I. What's her problem?

"Please m'am we don't want to cause any trouble," Pj says almost crying. " how close of family do you have to be? 'Cause I'm..I'm.." Pj trails off fiddling with his fingers.

"Your what?" She asks with a sour tone.

"I-I'm his boyfriend! I'm pretty sure that's close enough!" Pj retorted. I look at Pj with shock. I can't believe it.

"Ugh! Your disgusting! And sick I. The head! Being gay is a sin and your a worshiper of Satan!" She looks at Pj then back at Dan and I again. I then realize she had been staring at me and Dan holding hands.

"Is that anyway to treat us?" Dan asks disgusted at her words. "Arn't we all equal!" Dan practically yells, as people start looking at us. A tall man in a white coat then walks into the room with a confused expression.

"What's going on here?" He asks in a serious tone.

"Are you her boss?" Dan asks anger burning in his eyes as he looks at carol.

"Yes, I am. What seems to be the problem boys?" He asks a bit quieter as he gestures for us to come closer.

"Carol won't let us see our friend who might be dead because we arn't family! And then she starts calling us evil because we're gay!" I say trying to stay calm.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry about carol. She has been acting up a lot lately. I was thinking about firing her. Of course you can see your friend" he says smiling cheerily. I am so grateful I don't know what to say.

"Thank you so much Mr..?" Pj asks looking at his coat to see a small badge.

" Dr.Cramble" he answers. " now go on to room....229 to see your friend, I hope he is better soon. doctors will be working on him" we all nod and walk quickly to the elevator. I click the 3 button, an soon we are painfully slowly going up. I'm still a bit tired from the ride here, but manage to stay awake. We finally come to a stop and the doors open. We all exit and read the numbers on the doors. 227,228,229! I notice the door is closed, and I knock awkwardly. The door opens a bit to reveal a nurse with bright green eyes.

"We're here to see Chris" Pj says tears welling in his eyes again.

"Of course! You are..?" She asks opening the door so we can all get in.

"It's okay Grace, they're cool" we hear a familiar yet almost broken sounding voice.

"CHRIS!" Pj squeals in excitement as he runs over kneeling down so he is eye level.

"Hey Peej, Dan, Phil" he says weakly.

"I'm so glad your okay" I say walking over to him with Dan.

"I'll give you guys some privacy" grace says waking out.

"So, what's the damage?" Dan asks looking Chris' bruised arms.

"I've got a broken leg, by shoulder got dislocated, and I have one broken rib" Chris says sadly looking at Pj who looks so lost in Chris' eyes.

"And also a lot of bruises and cuts on my arms legs and face" he adds. Just then pj starts sobbing again.

"Peej, what's wrong?" Chris asks cupping his cheek. Pj sniffles and looks up at Chris which big, sad eyes.

"Th-this is all my f-fault" he whispers. And the room falls silent....


I am terrible at updating! But I love writing this for you so I do it anyway.

I am seriously flipping out! How does this almost have 700 reads?! I'm literally crying I never thought anyone would read this. You all are so wonderful and I think I'll try to update at lest once or twice a week. Anyway,

Bye phriends❤️💕😘💞

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