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"This is it," My mom said pulling up in front of a small apartment complex "this is the end of the line" I sighed and got out of the car. My mom had just moved us from Baltimore to Reseda. I looked around at the complex, it was pretty shitty.

"Let's get the boxes" My mom sighed 

"Which room is mine?" I asked 

"Whichever room is smaller" she mumbled, I knew she was really tired. I took a box and found the smallest room. We made a few trips before the car was emptied of all boxes. I started to unpack all my clothes and toiletries. We didn't have a whole crap ton of stuff so it was pretty easy to unpack. 

After I put my things in the bathroom and folded all my clothes I took out my room decor. Our house in Baltimore was much larger than this but it was kind of expensive to live here in Reseda. I put my sheets, comforter, and cow print blanket on my bed, then I put the matching pillows on the bed. I liked my room to be simple not with a lot of crazy lights. 

I had no idea what I would do here, in Baltimore I played lacrosse but at my new school, they didn't have many sports options, I could try out for soccer but I never really got into that sport.

"Aella please take the  trash out" my mom yelled from her room 

"Got it mom" I gathered the trash and took it outside, I walked around for a bit before I found the trash and recycling cans, I walked over quickly, not realizing that a kid about my age was right behind me 

"Hey I'm Miguel" I turned around and a kid with black hair was talking to a man with blonde hair who looked highly annoyed "my family and I just moved into 109" he continued 

"Great more immigrants," the man said and I rolled my eyes, that was pretty rude. Miguel looked confused but not offended

"Actually we are from Riverside, but anyways I was just wondering if you were having trouble with your water pressure cause our sink is being a little weird right now," Miguel told the man 

The pair of them walked over to where I was throwing my trash out and the man was opening the wrong trash bin, Miguel seemed to notice and decided to say something 

"Oh bottles go in the blue can" Miguel groaned and the man turned to face him looking done with him  

"Listen" he growled "I've lived in this shit for over ten years, the pipes don't work the fountain is full of piss and the only good thing about living here is that I don't have to talk to anyone, so nice knowing you"

He walked away "have a nice day then" Miguel called after him and I tried to control my laughter I couldn't help it, I needed to laugh, Miguel then turned around to look at me and I wondered if I should have walked away 

"Oh, hi I'm Miguel," he said giving me a smile, I decided to be nice and smile back even though I didn't want him to annoy me  

"I'm Aella," I told him "my mom and I just moved here too" Miguel nodded 

"That's cool, where are you going to school?" he asked 

"West Valley High," I told him "what about you" and he smiled even bigger which at this point I didn't think was humanly possible. 

"That's where I'm going too," he said excitedly "do you want to walk together tomorrow, I don't have a car so we can't drive"

I giggled "I can drive us, I got my license over the summer" Miguel seemed to be alright with that, he actually seemed rather excited 

"Ok, well I have to go eat lunch but I'll see you tomorrow Aella" he yelled and then went into his apartment closing the door 

Miguel was nice, very energetic though but I feel like he would be a really good friend. I had to find a job soon and some after-school activities. Making friends was a whole other problem 

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