At the mall

925 28 8

"No way Robbert Swayze Keene" I laughed, Sam, Demetri, Robby, and I were at the food court looking at Robby's ID thing 

"My mom was a huge fan of Patrick Swayze, he was this big actor-"

"Yeah, I've seen Dirty Dancing like a million times," I told him 

"My mom made me watch it a lot," he told me 

"Made you?" I asked 

"Ok maybe I liked it" Robby admitted  

"It was so amazing" I laughed, something caught my eye a familiar red Mowhawk was on the floor above us, I don't even know how I noticed but I did "I'll be back I need to get something from a store," I told my friends and I ran out of the food court, I took an escalator up to the second floor and looked around  I saw a flash of red over near the comic book store so I ran over.

I went into the store and hid behind a rack of comics, Demetri was already looking at a comic.

"Still can't wait to read the new issue huh?" Hawk asked walking over to Demetri with Chris and Mitch behind him 

"Nice hair, what is this your red hulk phase?" Demetri said 

"I saw your yelp review" Hawk walked closer to him "take it down" 

"And ruin my journalistic integrity? look someone had to say something and besides taking it down could hurt my Yelp Elite status" Hawk pushed Demetri into a comic book stand right in front of the stand I was hiding behind 

"I said take it down" Hawk snarled 

"You think I'm afraid of you?" Demetri asked "I know who you really are, Eli, so why don't you, Rocksteady and Bebop leave me alone" suddenly I was grabbed by someone 

"Get off of me" I yelled trying to kick them, it was Rickenburger "stop" I struggled in his grasp 

"So this is what it's come to gang assault?" Demetri asked 

"What are you doing here Aella," Hawk asked 

"I came to say hi" I growled "now can you tell your minion to let me go" I snapped 

"Rickenburger" Hawk said and he let go of me "take it down or we take you down" 

"Hawk stop, why are you doing this?" I asked, "you would actually hurt us?" 

"Guess what, you aren't the only one who knows karate," Demetri told him "I just joined Miyagi-Do" Demetri got into a fighting position 

Hawk scoffed "alright, let's see what you got" he kicked Demetri and then swept his legs 

"Hawk stop" I yelled 

"Hey what's going on out there" the store's clerk yelled, Demetri, took this as his opportunity to run away, I started to run but RIckenburger grabbed me 

"Kreese wants you on our side and he said to do whatever it takes to get you back" he whispered in my ear 

"I won't" I yelled and elbowed him freeing myself, I ran after Demetri I heard a crash and saw Demetri falling over a sunglass display I ran as fast as possible now would be a great time to be Barry Allen.

Demetri was headed to the food court so I ran there as well, I assumed Sam and Robby would still be there so they could help us, I saw Demetri run to our table 

"Of course they left" Demetri groaned 

"Demetri" I ran up to him and we were surrounded by Cobra Kai's I was afraid, there was a look in Hawk's eyes that I had never seen before 

"It didn't have to be this way" Hawk spat "you could have joined Cobra Kai if you weren't such a pussy" 

"At least he's not an asshole" I yelled Mitch and Rickenburger grabbed us 

"Your dead meat," Hawk told both of us I whimpered ad Hawk closed in about to kick both of us, suddenly Rickenburger was kicked and pushed off of me 

"Aella are you alright?" Robby asked pushing me behind him 

"Back off" Sam snarled 

"I don't want to have to hit a girl," Hawk told her 

"You wouldn't stand a chance" Robby spoke up 

Hawk chuckled "five against four? more like three and a half" Chris grabbed Robby 

"Get off of him" I kicked him backward into a table while Sam fought RIckenburger and Mitch we were all fighting and Robby and I were in the middle of the fight, we performed the wheel technique as the Cobras attacked Hawk ran at me and I froze was he actually going to hurt me? I was thrown into a table and I let out a yelp 

"Aella" Sam yelled but she had to keep fighting, my stomach hurt terribly, Sam and Robby took out two more people leaving Hawk who ran at Robby, jumped in the air and Robby kicked him to the ground 

"We saved your chicken" Sam handed it to Demetri, Robby ran over to me 

"Oh my god Aella" he took my hand and pulled me up 

"I'm so sorry Robby, he was running at me and I got scared," I told him my voice shaking "I never thought he would hurt me" Robby and Sam gave me a group hug 

"We get it, no one blames you for getting kicked," Sam said as we walked out of the mall

"I shouldn't have been so scared, if I'm like that I'll be no help in the future" I sighed 

"Don't say that, you'll get over it and you are probably the most talented fighter at Miyagi-Do" Robby told me 

"Thanks but that's not true" I laughed 

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