Eli, it's me

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"So how's Robby?" Sam asked, we were sitting on her bed just hanging out 

"He's ok he'll get out of juvie in like three weeks which is good," I told her, I knew she was sad that he wasn't responding to her emails 

"Has he said anything about me?" she asked 

"No, I-I'm sorry," I said I could tell she missed him a lot after all they were best friends. We sat on her bed in silence but it was interrupted when her phone chimed, she frowned and texted back quickly 

"What's wrong?" I asked her starting to get worried 

"Cobra Kai" she responded getting up "they're at golf and stuff messing with Chris"

"Ok so this is your chance to fight back, Counselor Blatt can't do anything while we arent on school property"

"That's smart," she said "I'll text everyone" we ran out of the house and got in her car, I knew whatever was going on wouldn't end well I could just feel it. Demetri and some other Miyagi-Do's met us at golf and stuff 

"Where are they?" Sam asked Chris 

"They snuck into the old laser tag place next door," he told her 

"How many?" I asked 

"Four of them," he said 

"Six of us, I like our odds," Sam said 

"I don't know Sam, we always have a backup or are ready to call for it at any time plus more Cobras could be coming over here as we speak" I announced "Sure we have more people right now but we could be taken down if they call in more Cobras"

"Like you said Aella, were not on school property this is our chance to fight back" she finished, I sighed I know how Cobra Kai operates and we would be taken down. We all started walking to the laser tag

"Wait let me go in first," I said and they all nodded, I ran ahead and saw Hawk kick a stuffed animal and then go to get a beer from Mitch

"Hey look who's here" Jake grinned and everyone turned to look at me 

"Want a beer?" Hawk asked 

"Oh no, I-"

"Who's for a warm one," Mitch said 


"Who wants a warm beer, you didn't bring an ice back?" Hawk scoffed 

"Seriously-" I was starting to say but the lights went off 

"What the hell," Jake asked, Sam, Demetri, and Chris came marching in

"What do you want?" Hawk sneered 

"Payback" Sam snarled going after Hawk, a fight broke out immediately, Sam took down Jake while I tried to take down Mitch who was very confused about my behavior Demetri kicked a Cobra to the ground and Chris took down Mitch who was strangling me 

"That was for my mom" Chris growled, I had no idea what that meant but I didn't have time to question it, Sam started kicking Jake repeatedly over and over, I looked over my shoulder and saw Tory walk-in

"Sam LaRusso" she yelled, "where are you bitch?" she walked around "you got my back right Aella?" she asked I nodded, it was a bad move to switch sides in the middle of a fight but to be honest I was a little scared of troy 

Rickenburger got Chris in a stranglehold while Hawk and Demetri were fighting. Tory and I took town two more Miyagi-Do's 

"Show yourself LaRusso" Tory yelled, Jake and Mitch were kicking Chris to the ground, Hawk got Demetri on the ground and held his arm behind his back I froze knowing exactly what Hawk was going to do 

"No please Eli stop" Demetri begged "stop stop, Eli it's me" Demetri kept groaning in pain as the Cobras and I watched, I couldn't move I was too scared 

"Do it" Tory yelled 

"Finish him"

"Come on pussy"

"Do it"

"No, it's fine it's fine I'll go I'll go" Demetri cried, Hawk paused for a moment and then snapped Demetri's arm. The Cobras cheered and I stood there in horror Tory smiled at me and I mustered up a smile to return 

"Pussy" Tory spat looking at Demetri who was groaning in pain, Hawk looked at me and started to walk towards me but I backed away, I was scared of him or who he had become the rest of the Cobras walked out 

"What did you do?" I whispered looking at Hawk in terror, Sam rushed out and came to Demetri's side 

"Aella please," he said 

"No, you went too far, he was your friend Eli and you broke his fucking arm, get out of here" I snapped tears welling in my eyes, he walked slowly from the room and I sat down next to Demetri 

"I'm sorry," I said "I was scared"

"I get it," Sam told me "you weren't any more of a coward than me, we both did what we had to do to survive" I hated how this sounded like war when we were just teenagers. Getting home was a blur Sam dropped me off and now I was sitting at my desk writing a letter to Robby, I hadn't written yesterday 

Dear Robby,

Things are bad now, Cobra Kai is getting out of hand and I don't know what to do. Hawk broke Demetri's arm today and it was horrible. I switched to the Cobra Kai team to avoid getting hurt and because I was so weak Demetri paid the price. I need you back here more than anything, I'm really scared Robby, I can feel something coming and it's not going to be good. I love you so much 


There were teardrops all over the page, I didn't know where to go. Should I re-join Miyagi-Do and face the sadness of not being with Robby or suffer through the lessons where Kreese teaches us to be ruthless. 

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