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"Hey," Sam said softly, we were going to visit Miguel together for the first time, Miguel looked over and gave us a small smile 

"Hey" he almost whispered 

"I hope it's ok that we are just showing up like this," I told him 

"How are you?" Sam asked and I almost scoffed "I-I uh that's a stupid question" she mumbled 

"It's ok, I have surgery on Friday," he said "with some doctor from out of state who supposedly works miracles"

"That's great right?" I asked smiling 

"I'm not getting my hopes up" he frowned "the surgery costs a ton and my mom's gonna be in debt and there's no guarantee it will work"

"I think if anyone can beat the odds it's you," Sam said, I wished I could help Miggy so badly. Sam started touching the scar on her arm 

"Is that from Tory?" Miguel asked 

"Oh yeah it's really not that bad," she said nervously "it kinda makes me look tough"

"I'll be back in a sec" I mumbled giving them some time, it looked like they needed privacy and I was about to cry anyways, I rushed out of the room right as tears fell down my face, I couldn't believe Miguel got hurt, he didn't deserve this. I continued to sob into my hands 

"Hey, are you ok?" a voice asked, I looked up and saw Hawk, I couldn't answer so I just shook my head "come here," he said giving me a hug, I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried of a bit "he's going to be alright" Hawk assured me, he took my hand and gave it a squeeze "do you think you can go back in?"

"Yeah," I said and my voice cracked a little, I wiped my eyes and we walked back down the hallway  

"El serpiente" Hawk said walking to the entrance of the room, Sam and Miguel just looked at him, there was a very uncomfortable silence 

"I'm gonna go" Sam whispered

"Ok, yeah" Miguel nodded 

"You have some nerve coming here after what your friend did to him" Hawk spat 

"I don't care what you think, I just want to help," Sam told him 

"I'm sure you've done enough princess" he scoffed walking into the room, I looked at Sam she took my arm and rushed me away, I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Miguel 

"Where are we going?" I asked 

"Miyagi-Do is having a carwash to support Miguel and you are coming, I don't care if you hate me but I do know that you care for Miguel," she said, I felt terrible it wasn't fair that I blamed Sam for what happened Tory was the one who went all psychotic

"I don't hate you," I told her softly "I'm sorry, I was so angry and I needed someone to blame, it wasn't fair that I chose you"

"It's alright Aella, I was mad too," she said giving me a hug  

Two hours later we were in bikinis washing cars to raise money, "So it's left circle and then right circle" Sam instructed a boy who was washing a car, I laughed and she playfully punched me 

"Hey Moon," I said happily "thank you so much for bringing out the cheerleading team, they are definitely helping to attract customers but I thought you were a feminist"

"I'm a sex-positive feminist" she giggled "our bodies are an expression" Sam and I laughed as she walked away 

"Hey Aella come here," A deep voice said, I looked around and saw Hawk on his motorbike, I used all of my self-restraint not to roll my eyes 

"Hi," I said coming up to him and Mitch

"They are literally using Miguel as their poster child," he told me 

"No, it's not like that," I said 

"Do they think they can get away with this?"Mitch asked 

"They won't" Hawk spat 

"Please don't do anything" I begged Hawk "just let them be" 

"Sorry Aella," he said "no can do" he put his helmet back on and drove away with Mitch, I had no idea what they were going to do nor how to stop it. The car wash was soon over and everyone was going home, I handed Nate the money and he started to walk towards his bike, I was about to leave when I heard a commotion, I went to go check it out and I saw Hawk holding Nate in a chokehold. 

"Hawk stop it" I yelled running over "leave him alone" I cried 

"Nothing like a long day of charity"  Mitch laughed "we'll make sure Miguel knows it's from Cobra Kai" 

"Come on guys, we all want to help pay for Miguel's surgery" Nate cried 

"Oh you'll pay alright" Hawk sneered 

"Hawk get off of him" I demanded trying to pull his arms away from Nate 

"Don't get in the middle of this princess" he laughed. The Cobras began to beat Nate up while Mitch held me back, when they were done they let Nate ride his bike away

"What the fuck was that" I yelled pushing Hawk "I can't believe I ever dated you, you are so messed up Nate didn't do anything and you attacked him, why are you doing this huh? so that you don't become the freak with a weird lip again, this whole time you've just been acting like a hurt little bitch"

I yelped when his hand collided with my cheek sending my head to the side, a loud smack was heard. I lifted my hand up and felt my stinging cheek it hurt terribly 

"Oh my god, Aella I'm so sorry I-" 

"Screw you" I spit at him, I started to walk away "one day you will realize what you've been doing is wrong but it'll be too late because everyone that cared about you will stay away, they won't be your friends anymore and then you'll be even more of a loser than Eli was, at least he didn't hurt his friends" I ran all the way back to my car, I couldn't believe Hawk had actually just hit me I was scared of him there was no denying it. 

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