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I sat in the shallow part letting the waves crash around me, I closed my eyes and thought about everything I had been through. 

"Bye Miguel" I waved, my first day here and I already witnessed a fight, maybe it wasn't all like that I'm sure school would be much more peaceful 

"I wasn't staring at his lip Demitri, I was staring at his eyes" shit why the hell would I say that, god I'm such an embarrassment

"Robby" I yelled waving, he turned around and grinned 

"Why did you go to the dance with Robby," he said and I realized he was jealous but he didn't have a right to be, he hadn't asked me to the dance Robby had.

"Because he asked Eli," I told him and got into my car, if Eli had asked I would have gone it was as simple as that.

"I don't want to be alone," he told me and I nodded, I hated how sad Robby was and how he was living without his mom or dad. We sat on the sofa and he played with my hair a bit, it was at that moment that I realized I had totally fallen for Robby Keene. 

He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, I melted into the kiss almost immediately and I smiled into it causing him to do the same. We pulled away and I looked at him 

I stared into Hawks blue eyes and we both leaned in. I ran my hands through his hair

"Victory nachos," Aisha said happily zooming in on the nacho's for her Instagram story we all cheered and clinked our glasses together "it was supposed to be a round of drinks but the waitress was not feeling Hawk's ID" 

"remember left circle, right circle," Daniel said as we sanded Robby laughed but I was just confused we painted the fence going up and down with the strokes because Daniel wouldn't have it any other way. We sanded again and I saw Robby wince

"I just don't know what to do, I have to pick, Cobra Kai or Miyagi-Do" I sobbed, he smoothed my hair "I love you so much but I feel like I want to be at Miyagi-Do and I don't want to lose you if that's what I pick" 

"Do you even realize what you're doing to her?" Hawk asked "she looks terrible all because of you" he jabbed a finger at Robby, they started yelling at each other 

"Demetri" I ran up to him and we were surrounded by Cobra Kai's I was afraid, there was a look in Hawk's eyes that I had never seen before 

"Sometimes you can't someday the fight may come to you and I want to make sure that you are ready so today we are going to see what Miyagi-Do is made of" Daniel made us get into a circle, he gave us numbers and put Robby in the middle 

"This," he said and he closed the gap between us, his soft lips pressed against mine, it was like it was almost a year ago but a bit different because we both had been waiting for so long I felt like a huge weight had been lifted just because I was able to kiss him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, it was probably so amazing because we had been putting our feelings off for almost a year. We pulled away smiling.

"No hard feelings," he said forgetting that I was behind him, Hawk realized though he wrapped his arms around my head as we were both thrown into the trophy case I felt myself getting a few cuts along my arms as we fell to the floor, Demetri ran away 

"No, no no no" I yelled grabbing onto Robby, I wouldn't let him go, I couldn't I gripped onto him as tightly as possible while he hugged me too

I yelped when his hand collided with my cheek sending my head to the side, a loud smack was heard. I lifted my hand up and felt my stinging cheek it hurt terribly 

"I-I was there but I was a coward, I switched sides when Cobra Kai started domination, I didn't want to get hurt Tory is insane and I had no idea what she was going to do I was scared of Hawk who hit me the other day and I just wanted to protect myself but I let Demetri get hurt I'm in Cobra Kai because I want to feel strong I don't want to feel weak and scared," I told him 

"I know, but we can't afford to be enemies of Cobra Kai," he said softly 

"Hey," a voice said and I looked around to see Hawk approaching me 

"How did you know I would be here," I asked 

"I know you better than you think" he chuckled softly sitting down next to me "what are you thinking about?"

"I hate the position I'm in Hawk, if I pick a side I'll be betraying someone no matter what and I wish that it wasn't like that," I told him "I did promise Robby that I would never leave him but I also want to leave all my friends" 

"I'm so sorry, I think you need to follow your heart Aella, even if you made a promise to someone," he said wrapping an arm around my shoulder I let a few tears fall as the water rushed over us 

"Thanks for being here for me," I said softly, he turned to look at me 

"I'll always be here for you Aella," he told me, I stared into his blue eyes he leaned closer and pressed his lips to mine I didn't stop him, he pulled away and looked at me 

"H-Hawk we shouldn't" I whispered

"Aella, you can't tell me you don't have feelings for me," he said 

"I can't do this to Robby," I told him, I knew that Hawk was kinda perfect for me we both had gone through the same things and we would be labeled as traitors if we left Cobra Kai and we could protect each other, my brushed his finger against my bottom lip and lastly I did still have feelings for him 

"Aella..." he whispered but I cut him off by kissing him softly, he pulled me closer continuing to kiss me, I didn't know what I was doing but at the moment I really wanted Hawk. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his 

"We'll get through this together" he assured me playing with a few strands of my hair "I'll be here by your side forever" I sniffed back a few tears 

"Ok" I whispered falling into his arms, hopefully, this was the right choice "do you think I'm making the right choice?" I asked Hawk 

"I think so, not just because you are back by my side but because you didn't pick the wrong side over a guy" I nodded clinging to him

Hopefully, I hadn't made the wrong choice 

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