Fight Smart

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The next morning I woke up on the sofa alone, I guess Hawk had managed not to wake me up. I groaned when I realized that I have Cobra Kai today. I stood up and got a hoodie throwing it on and walking out the door. I felt so sluggish as I drove down the street. Even my favorite song on the radio couldn't cheer me up. I parked my car outside the dojo and walked in.

"SURPRISE" I screamed and covered my eyes as a bunch of people jumped out at me. I looked up and saw all of my Cobra Kai teammates standing over me 

"Uh, hi?" I questioned 

"Happy birthday," Hawk said and I froze 

"That's funny, but today is not my birthday" I checked my phone on October 3rd "so it seems I have forgotten my birthday" I laughed and all of the people in the room chuckled. Jake Rickenburger came over with a huge cake. 

"Happy birthday Aella" he grinned showing me the cake, it had my face on it which made me laugh harder 

"Thanks, everyone" I grinned, Hawk suddenly smashed the cake into my face "oh my god" I growled and everyone backed up "you are so dead" I yelled running around trying to get to him, the Cobras were laughing as I chased him around and around, it reminded me of the time when we were at the pool almost a year ago. 

"Don't hurt me" he yelled and I just kept running after him, eventually I caught his waist and tackled him to the floor 

"That's for shoving cake in my face" I giggled aware that I probably looked insane 

"What are you doing," a voice asked and we all whipped around to see Kreese staring at us "why is Aella covered cake" everyone turned to look at Hawk 

"It's her birthday and I smashed the cake on her face sensei," Hawk said looking at the ground Jake burst out laughing and we all followed almost crying Sensei Kreese smirked a tiny bit at all of us 

"Clean this up and happy birthday Aella," he said walking into his office, I went to the bathroom and began to wash the cake off of my face it was going to smell horrible later. I looked in the mirror and saw Hawk watching me 

"Hi" I mumbled as he walked in 

"Hey," he said quietly coming to stand next to me "I got you something," he told me 

"You really didn't have to" I smiled at him while he held out a small box, I took the top off and looked in to see a small picture framed. It was all those months ago when we were at burger king and I was giving Eli a huge hug. I wanted to cry, everything was so much more simple back then 

"I love it" I whispered looking at our happy faces I wish Eli was still here 

"You miss those times don't you," he asked 

"Yeah, I really do," I told him, he pulled me into a hug while I continued to stare at the picture, we looked so different now, Eli was now Hawk and I just had a happy glow that was gone now. I wouldn't let myself cry since we were in the dojo 

"Thank you," I said

"No problem, let's go to training," he said and I nodded following him out to the dojo. We walked out and there was a bonsai tree on the top of a pole 

"Never underestimate your enemy," Kreese said walking out of his office "even if you think they're weaker than you, you have to stay one step ahead that's the only way to guarantee a victory, is that understood?"

"YES SENSEI" we yelled 

"Good, now let's see if you truly understand the lesson, I want you to kick this tree off of the top" Kreese commanded "Red you start," he said to a boy who nodded he stepped up and ended up ripping his gi while trying to kick it "pathetic" Kreese sneered "Rickenburger, show him" Jake did a flying kick landing on the floor harshly "stop your sniveling" 

"I can do it Sensei," I said stepping forward 

"Well what are you waiting for, don't you want a running start? he asked me 

"Don't need one" I said confidently, I kicked the pole knocking the tree from the top, I looked at Kreese waiting for his reaction. He chuckled "not bad, not bad at all"

"But she cheated" Rickenburger complained 

"No she didn't, unlike you, she did exactly what I asked you to do" Kreese walked around "if your mind is agile so are you, that's the best way to beat your enemy, not just with brute strength but you need to fight smart" he looked at me "do that and you'll always come out on top" I guess that makes sense, I still wasn't super comfortable with the way Cobra Kai trains you but whatever.

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