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"Don't be a snake in the grass..." I handed Aisha her phone back, Hawk had just shown me the new Miyagi-Do commercial I frowned, they were overreacting a little bit but I wasn't allowed to tell them that. 

"I did a deep dive and Sensei is definitely Keene's father," Hawk told Miguel and me while we stretched 

"Why wouldn't he tell us, hang on Aella did you know?" Miguel asked me

"Yeah, why?"

Hawk looked angry "why wouldn't you tell us?" he spat and I frowned 

"Because it's not for me to tell, and I didn't know it mattered" I got up and walked over to Aisha why was Hawk acting like this? Johnny walked out of his office and Aisha began to film him 

"There's a lot of talk around the valley about free karate" Johnny began "but everyone knows that in life, you get what you pay for you want to beat the competition?" Johnny kicked a bonsai tree "you need to get your ass over to Cobra Kai, screw that lame meditation bullshit, what you need is bone-crunching, face-smashing, good old American karate" 

Johnny punched a dummy a few times "enough about self-defense, learn about self offense, don't be a pussy join Cobra Kai and let me teach you the way of the fist" 

"And cut" Aisha paused the video 

"Did you get it?" Johnny asked 

"I think so," Aisha told him happily 

"Great, make sure the Cobra Kai symbol comes in at the end alright I want it to really pop, throw thunderstruck under it" 

"I'm pretty sure the rights for that song will cost too much," Aisha told him 

"No, I already own it, cassette's in the car oh and put one of those hashbrowns under it like hashbrowns team Cobra Kai, and then SEND IT TO THE INTERNET" Hawk and Miguel followed Johnny into the office while a man approached me 

"You must be Aella," he said 

"Um, yes," I told him 

"I am Sensei Kreese, I have heard a lot about you" 

"Ok, great?" this dude was making me nervous, he chuckled 

"I heard you play for both sides" I felt my stomach drop 


"The time for that has come to an end," he told me "you can't be a Cobra Kai and a Miyagi-Do" I frowned 

"Why not?"

"Because this is war," he said "and you  are the weapon" really, someone saying this to me again "whoever gets you on their side will have the advantage, you know the strategy for both sides, Cobra Kai needs you" 

"Well that is uh possibly very kind of you but I don't plan on taking a side anytime soon," I told him and he smirked at me 

"The time will come very soon Aella, and you'd better pick the right side" he walked away and I just stood there, what the hell was that? I glanced around the room, Cobra Kai just didn't seem like home, all my friends were there but it wasn't like Miyagi-Do. I pulled out my phone and called Robby. 

"Hey Robby," I said cheerfully 

"what's up Aella," he asked 

"Oh I was wondering if I could come over to Miyagi-Do" Robby laughed 

"You don't have to ask, get your ass over here" I giggled 

"Alright see you soon" 

I hung up and left without saying goodbye to Hawk, maybe I was overreacting but I just didn't want to talk to him at the moment. I drove to the dojo and hopped out of the car. 

"Aella I thought you were training at Cobra Kai today," Daniel said greeting me 

"Oh well it's not an environment I want to be in right now, Johnny just let this old guy into the dojo and he told me I have to pick sides, I needed to get out of there he was really creepy" 

Daniel looked at me in horror "what was this man's name?" he asked 

"Something like Kreed, Kreese I think" Daniel's eyes grew wide "is there something wrong?" I asked 

"Yes" Daniel walked into the dojo where Sam and Robby were sitting, I followed looking confused "Aella, I don't want to make you do this but you are going to have to choose"

"But why"

"Because Kreese is back and you have no idea the lengths he will go to, to get you on his side, he's dangerous and you can't come here while Kreese is at Cobra Kai," Daniel told me 

"Can you tell me who Kreese is?" I asked 

"He was Johnny Lawrence's old Sensei, he's insane he almost killed Johnny" Daniel revealed 

"Do I have to pick at this very moment?" I asked my voice cracking, Robby got up and gave me a hug I knew that he knew how hard this was for me, my best friends at Miyagi-Do, and my boyfriend at Cobra Kai. 

"You will need to by the end of this week" damn there was a deadline, I walked out of the dojo and sat my the pond crying silently, I would have to give up a set of my friends and I wasn't sure which one I wanted it to be. 

"Are you ok?" Robby asked sitting next to me 

"No, not really" I whispered 

"I know it's a hard choice, just do what you think is right" the truth is I don't know what is right and what isn't right. I sat there playing with a piece of grass for a long time. Making this choice would decide many things and I knew one thing for sure if I chose Miyagi-Do I would lose Hawk. 

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