Pissing Contest

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"Hey, are you ready to rock, our earth science presentation," Demetri said putting something large covered in a plaid sheet on the table

"I'm ready to go back to a world where we don't have to talk on a regular basis," Yasmin told him

"Hey, hey, hey my popularity is on the rise while yours is steadily declining but maybe we can meet in the middle like a sexual ven diagram," Demetri said and I burst out laughing while Yasmin looked disgusted

"So what's under the sheet?" I asked 

"I'm glad you asked" Demetri took the sheet off "behold what scientists believe to be the valley when dinosaurs roamed the earth" I grinned

"That's amazing Demetri," I told him

"Go ahead press the hadrosaur egg," Demetri told me, I pressed the egg and smoke came out of the top of the volcano 

"Not bad, my parents may not have to pay for my A this time," Yasmin said looking amazed 

"Oh your parents will never have to pay for an A again" he assured her, Moon and I continued to admire the structure as Demetri told us facts about it 

"This meticulously assembled model represents the exact moment before the dinosaur hit the.." all of a sudden a soccer ball came flying at the table, I was able to catch it and it only knocked the tree off of the top

"Oh sorry man," Hawk said coming over to us "looks like my ball just got away from me" I rolled my eyes he thought he did a lot of damage but it was a tiny tree that I could pop back in place at this very second 

"That took me three weeks to build if you had-" Demetri started 

"It would take my ball three seconds to destroy" Hawk scoffed 

"Another week another pissing contest," Demetri said walking up to the Cobras "though I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much" 

"You landed one kick, you got lucky," Hawk told Demetri

"You'd better back off or you won't be lucky" Sam snarled

Hawk laughed at her "yeah like you'll start anything princess, actually why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart" Sam pushed him back into his friends 

"What's going on here Miss.LaRusso, you know our new guidelines against physical contact" Counselor Blatt said, I quickly twisted Demetri's arm and then let it go 

"Oh actually" I spoke up "Hawk insulted her and basically called her a slut not to mention he purposefully threw his ball into Demetri's science project and twisted his arm in a hurtful way" I lifted Demetri's arm up to show her his red skin "see" 

"Did he enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?" Counselor Blatt asked Demetri 

"Yeah he definitely made me feel triggered in my safe space," Demetri told her

"I don't want excuses" Counselor Blatt said "I just want you all to respect each other"

"She's right guys," I said looking at the ground "we should stop the aggression, Micro and Macro" 

"Oh give me a break" Hawk spat 

"Hey, consider this a warning Mr.Moskowitz" Counselor Blatt snapped "and put that ball away someone could get hurt" she walked away and I smirked at Hawk 

"For you pansies no space is safe" I laughed and we walked back to our table 

"You totally saved us" Demetri gasped "how did you even think of that" 

"I have no idea," I told him

After lunch, we went to gym class, today we were playing soccer. 

"These shorts pinch in all the wrong places" Demetri complained, Sam grinned we all looked over as people were scattering away, of course, it was Hawk leading his pack of Cobras 

"I wish we could do something about them" I spat, a good thing about someone wanting you desperately on their team is that I can do whatever I want and I'll still stay in Cobra Kai because I'm too valuable or some shit 

"We can" Sam responded 

"What?" I asked 

"I don't see Counselor Blatt anywhere and what's a game of soccer without a little physical contact," she said and we all gave each other evil smiles, "they think we are doormats, let's prove them wrong."

 The game started and straight away Sam knocked a cobra to the ground stepping on his stomach and basically using him as a doormat, Hawk scored a goal and did some sort of weird-ass victory dance. Hawk ran past me and winked I just rolled my eyes and looked away 

"She loved you, you know," Demetri said to Hawk 

"What?" hawk asked 

"Oh yeah she told me, you had a good thing going with the hottest girl in school and you ruined it by becoming a loser" he pushed Hawk and then swept his legs "I guess that's why the Europeans call it football"

Hawk then headbutted Demetri knocking him to the ground, I was running with the ball and I managed to get two Cobras to crash into each other Hawk then kicked a ball into someone's stomach knocking him to the ground Sam ran and kicked Rickenburger in the face

"That's it, everyone to the principal's office now" the coach yelled, we made our way into the building 

"Let me handle this," I told Sam walking into the office, I gave the principal and counselor Blatt some made-up bullshit about how Cobra Kai threatened us, I even managed to fake a few tears. I walked out of the room with a tissue going back to Sam and Demetri 

"LaRusso, Demetri, you two and Aella are free to go" she said, I sniggered and we walked away from the fuming Cobra Kais. 

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