New friends and solved problems

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I was at the mall so that I could get away and think, I liked both Robby and Eli but I didn't know who I wanted to pick. I had told Robby that one of my friends had accidentally deleted his message and that's why I never responded, technically that was true. I was so deep in thought that I ran into someone. 

"I am very sorry, I do this all the time," I said helping the girl up, she was very pretty long wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. 

"It's ok, whatever you were thinking about must have been very important" she laughed 

"Yeah I guess you could say that," I told her 

"Lemme guess, boys?" she asked and I laughed 

"you guessed it" 

"I'm Chanel," she said holding out her hand for me to shake 

"Aella" I gave her a smile, Chanel had a very interesting style it was pretty badass though

"Do you want to maybe get something to eat, we can discuss these boy problems you are having" Chanel said 

"Sure that sounds fun" we walked towards the cheesecake factory. We sat down at a table and I took a piece of bread chewing n it slowly. 

"So tell me about who this boy is"  

"Well, it's two boys actually the first one is named Robby he's really nice and very cute but hot at the same time, the second is named Hawk he was one of my first friends, he has the most amazing blue eyes and I feel super safe whenever I'm around him, he's really sweet. Both of them are so amazing and I have to pick one since they both like  me" 

Chanel laughed "well I think that the answer is obvious," she said 

"What do you mean," I asked

Chanel scoffed "You obviously like Hawk better you said two things about Robby but went into detail about Hawk"

I thought for a moment "I just don't want to hurt anyone feelings"

"I get that but you need to follow your heart and I think Hawk is the answer, hey Tory" she called a girl with blonde hair over to us "we need some advice here" the girl Tory who must be working here sat down for a moment

"My friend Aella here likes two guys, one of them she said was nice and the other she described in great detail, who would you say she likes," Chanel asked 

"Obviously she likes the second one" Tory laughed 

"See everyone agrees," Chanel said and I shook my hand 

"The problem is that he just had a new transformation and he's like hot now instead of cute and he's gonna think I like him for his looks"

Chanel and Tory looked at each other "that could be a problem" they said at the same time making me groan we continued to talk when all of a sudden someone throws themselves into the booth beside me.

"Hawk, what are you doing here?" I asked nervously giving the girls a look because they were trying not to laugh

"I was getting lunch and I saw you so I thought I'd come to say hi," he said 

"Oh that's cool," I said awkwardly, we hadn't talked a whole lot because he was still waiting on my answer

"Tory didn't we need to go walk the fish," Chanel asked 

"Oh yeah we did bye" they practically ran out of their seats and I chuckled 

"So?" Hawk asked 

"So what?" 

He rolled his eyes "have you made up your mind" I sighed 

"Kinda but there have been complications," I said looking at the floor 

"can you tell me about these complications"

"no, because then it will give the answer away," I said 

"Please, I can't keep waiting around for you," Hawk said sadly "whatever the complications are, they won't matter," I thought for a moment, I really didn't want to tell him because he would think I only like him because he's hot now, I guess it's better to say sooner rather than later

"Fine but you can't say anything until I'm done talking alright," I said looking him in the eyes 

"I promise" 

"Pinky promise?" I asked and he wrapped his pinky around mine 

"Alright, well I thought a lot about this and I just figured it out like five minutes ago anyways I'll just get to the point, I choose you Hawk, and the complications were that I didn't want you to think I was only choosing you for your looks" I finished and stared at the ground waiting for him to say something, I looked up and he was grinning at me "Is this funny to you?" I asked 

"No, you're just so cute when you're flustered" he laughed making me blush "don't worry I wouldn't have thought that I mean you said you liked me even before I was Hawk" I nodded and he pulled me into a hug, I softly pressed my lips to his and he smiled into it "I'm glad you chose me," he said 

"I'm glad too" he continued to hug me, I did enjoy his hugs they made me feel even safer than Robby's hugs. 

"Well I have to go back to my mom but I'll call you later Aella," he said and walked away a few seconds later Chanel and Tory came back squealing 

"Oh my god what did he say?" Tory asked 

"He said I was glad I chose him," I told her 

"you two are seriously so cute," Chanel said smiling 

"Thanks but we still have a problem," I said softly frowning 

"What is it?" Tory looked at me with concern 

"How the fuck am I supposed to tell Robby"

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