Once a Cobra Kai always a Cobra Kai

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"I can't believe they would do this," I said to Robby, we stood on the porch of the dojo looking at all the destruction that was done to our dojo "they went way too far" 

"They were just pissed that we won the mall fight" Robby sighed 

"Come help pick this stone up" Daniel called to us and we walked over

"Are you guys lifting?" Demetri asked after struggling for a few minutes "cause I feel like I'm doing nothing" 

"Forget it" Robby groaned 

"How did they even knock it over," Sam asked 

"It's a lot earlier to knock something down than it is to pick it up," Daniel told us while planting something "don't worry we'll get it up again" 

"Is this Miyagi-Do?" a voice said we turned around and there stood a bunch of Cobra Kais I started to walk towards them 

"Have you come to destroy our dojo again?" I asked walking closer, Robby grabbed me and pulled me away from them

"This is one of the guys that was beating on Demetri," Robby told Daniel "he probably helped trash the dojo" 

"I didn't have anything to do with that" Chris said "Demetri we're sorry about what happened at the mall, we just want to learn Miyagi-Do karate"

"Bullshit" I yelled and Daniel waved me away 

"I'd be careful about letting Cobra Kais in Miyagi-Do," Demetri said and then he gave us some sort of reference from a show 

"We're happy to have you," Daniel said to the Cobras, I rolled my eyes and walked away there was no way these people would change.

Thirty minutes later Demetri and I were watching Chris try to lift the rock all by himself "yeah nice try but brute strength is only going to get you so far" I told him

"You got a better idea?" he asked 

"Ever heard of a fulcrum," Demetri asked "Nah didn't think so" he picked up a board "if you had paid attention in physics you would know that a fulcrum is a pivot point that equals the amount of output force required to lift an object" Demetri pressed on the board trying to lift the rock, he ended up breaking the board. 

Chris sniggered "fulcrum more like full of crap" he pats Demetri on the back but Demetri lost it 

"The only thing that's full of crap is your little quiver in there" Demetri pointed to where the Cobras were sitting in the dojo

"Admit it you don't really want to join Miyagi-Do this is all just some scheme" I spat 

"Are you calling me a liar?" Chris asked 

"Ding, ding, ding," I said and he pushed me to the ground 

"Aella are you ok?" Sam asked running over to me 

"Hey, don't touch her" Robby yelled 

"Woah what the hell are you doing, we're all on the same team now," Daniel said running out of the dojo 

"Once a Cobra Kai always a Cobra Kai" Robby snarled 

"I was a Cobra Kai" I mumbled "kinda"

"That's not true," Daniel told us "I know it's not true, I used to be a Cobra Kai" we all stared at him in shock "come on let's go into the dojo" I took Robby's hand and we walked in  

"It was 1985 I had just won my first all valley and Mr.Miyagi didn't want me to compete anymore he never really liked the idea of fighting for trophies in the first place, so he and I got into this big argument and what did I do? I joined Cobra Kai, I learned to strike first strike hard show no mercy and it turned me into an angry and violent kid"

"Sounds like Hawk," I said 

"It changed me" Daniel continued 

"You never told me about any of this" Sam said 

"It's not something I'm proud of Sam, but my point is anyone can be seduced by Cobra Kai look at Aella, sure she wasn't a full-time student at either dojos but she was a Cobra Kai, even me I'll admit Cobra Kai makes you feel stronger tougher but it will also get you in trouble and that's what happened to me, I'm just lucky Mr.Miyagi was willing to take me back so it doesn't matter who anyone was before they came into this dojo all that matters-"

"Is that you become badass" I blurted out, why the hell would I say that 

"Uh, no" Daniel corrected me "all that matters is that right now, today we are all Miyagi-Do" we all nodded, I wasn't sure if I should clap so I didn't. We walked out of the dojo and Robby turned to me 

"Why did you say, that you become badass?" he asked 

"Oh I don't know Johnny gave a speech to Cobra Kai and then Hawk walked in and he was like all that matters is that you become badass," I told him and he laughed but soon his smile fell 

"What did you say to Hawk yesterday?" 

"I ended it" I mumbled 

"you broke up with him?" he asked surprised 

"Yeah, he was just being a dick," I told him 

"I'm sorry Aella, I know you loved him" 

"It's fine, I think I loved Eli more," I said softly looking at the ground, it hurt a lot to think about what Hawk turned into I just hoped he would realize what he did was wrong.

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