Because he asked

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3 weeks later 

Aella's pov

"Did you get that job at LaRusso Auto?" Eli asks me at lunch on Friday 

"Oh yeah I did," I said happily and he nodded 

"That's cool" he mumbled something was off with him today and I wasn't sure what it was, he just was acting super nervous. All of a sudden Counselor Blatt stood up and had a microphone. 

"Cyber Bullying is no laughing matter, sending a mean message online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face, now I'm not going to name names but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some mean kids online were making fun of his facial deformity" 

I almost laughed at her stupidity, Eli is the only one with a facial deformity and everyone knew it was him, she could have named names because it wouldn't have made a difference. Eli was looking around sadly and he covered his lip. I gave him a hug, he was used to getting hugs from me at this point "don't hide the scar Eli" I mumbled 

"But it's ugly" he replied 

"No it's not," I said gently moving his hand away, he was so sweet and he didn't deserve to be bullied for something that you could barely see. Demitri was watching us and he looked angry for some reason, I would have to ask Miguel about that later. 

"You know if you're sick of getting bullied my Karate Dojo is looking for recruits," Miguel told us, Eli and I nodded but Demitri scoffed 

"Yeah right, you hear that Eli, a little karate training and you're going to kick some major ass," Demitri said sarcastically 

"I'm serious Demitri, my Sensei is the real deal and I'm sure I could get all three of you discounts"Miguel sighed 

"As enticing as that sounds I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing crucible control than getting kicked in the face," Demitri said speaking for Eli at the same time, I hated how he did that I'm sure Eli had his own opinions. 

"Hey what are you going as for Halloween," Miguel asked me 

"I actually have no idea" I admitted 

"But the dance is today Aella," Demitri told me 

"Yeah I know" I looked down thinking about what costume I would get, I had no ideas and I needed to hurry up. I thought about being Gretchen from Mean girls. 

"Are you going to the dance with anyone?" Eli asked softly 

"Uh, nope" I responded staring at my chips, was he going to ask me, obviously I would say yes if he did. Lunch ended and he didn't ask me she only had three more periods to ask me, I suppose I could ask him myself but I didn't know if he liked me in that way.

After school I went to the mall to get my costume, I had decided to be Gretchen and a store at the mall had the costume. After I had bought it I ran into someone on a skateboard making them fall. 

"Oh my god Robby that's the second time I've done that I'm so sorry," I said helping him up and he started to laugh 

"Aella it's not your fault well not entirely what were you doing at the mall?" he asked 

"I bought a costume for the Halloween  dance," I told him

"Who or what are you going as?"

"Gretchen from mean girls," I said 

"I have no idea who that is, do you have a date?" he asked and I looked at the floor 

"nope" I didn't really know how to answer and this conversation was getting awkward 

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