The School Fight

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I opened my eyes and was blinded, everything was so bright and my head hurt like crazy I groaned and rolled over in bed, then I remembered that I had no idea where I was. I sat up and looked around, it looked like I was in my apartment but it wasn't my room, I was rearing some giant T-shirt. I smelled some sort of meat and I headed out of the room. 

I turned the corner slowly "Robby?" I asked and he jumped up wrapping me in a hug 

"Oh good, you're awake," he said rocking me gently, I held onto him tightly wanting to just fall asleep, the moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Johnny come on open up," a voice said and I knew it was Daniel 

"Go in the bedroom," Johnny said to Robby and me, it was too early for all this drama, and don't I have school today? I could hear Johnny and Daniel arguing for a bit, then there was silence followed by a large crash I winced and held onto Robby there was lots of yelling and then you could hear them doing karate there was a huge crash and a cry of pain 

"What the hell are they doing" I whimpered 

"I don't know," Robby said with concern in his voice he took my hand and we walked outside 

"Dad stop" Sam yelled at Daniel and Robby pulled Johnny back 

"Sam, what happened are you ok," Daniel asked 

"Yeah I-I'm fine"

"Why didn't you call or text us" 

"Mr.LaRusso it's not her fault I'm the one who brought her here" Robby spoke up 

"Don't even get me started I gave you a second chance, this whole thing was a big mistake if you want to end up like your dad that's fine, come on Sam" Daniel spat and he slammed the door of the apartment. I just stood there frozen in shock my hands trembling a little

"Uh, Aella are you good?" Johnny asked 

"Oh yep, spectacular," I said "we just have to get to school" I shuffled back to the room and close the door so I could get changed back into my clothes from yesterday but there was a pair of sweatpants and another big shirt laid out for me so I just put those on. The next hour went by in a blur johnny made us food and drove us to school, I walked up the halls and to my first class, I think I had hugged Robby goodbye but I couldn't remember. 

Suddenly there was a commotion over the speakers and that brought me back to reality 

"Sam LaRusso, you know what you did and now you're going to pay for it, I'm coming for you bitch"

Was that Tory, the bell rang and we filled out of homeroom, I had to find Tory and stop her I ran down the halls trying to find my two friends Miguel caught up with me as we ran past a window on the ground floor we continued to run, I heard large slams and yells I saw as Robby tried to make peace 

"Settle down I'm sure we can fig-" Miguel ran into him and slammed him to the floor 

"Miguel stop" I yelled 

"OH IT IS ON" Hawk yelled, I looked around in horror as a fight broke out where the hell was the teachers 'YEAHHHHHHHH" Hawk screamed and someone charged at him 

Rickenburger slammed me into the lockers "who are you fighting with" he growled I had no idea what to say I was terrified 

"Cobra Kai" I squeaked out, god I was such a pussy, Rickenburger released me and ran at some Miyagi-Do's I was thrown to the ground by someone and I let out a yelp kicking them back, I got up and began to fight Miguel, Sam, and I were all slammed into the lockers at the same time I flipped the person who I was fighting over 

"You're going down nerd," Bert said to Nate 

"Come and get it dickhead" Nate responded, their insults were immaculate

Suddenly I was rushed out a door by someone who then threw me to the ground, I got up and got in a fighting position kicking them saw many times as possible Tory threw Sam to the floor she rolled and got back up 

"Can't you just stop it already" Sam panted 

"What you can't keep up," Tory asked pushing her up the stairs I looked around and two teachers came out one of them was able to break Hawk away but then the teacher got elbowed and flipped over by Rickenburger

"you can't cheat your way out of this one" Robby yelled slamming Miguel into the wall 

"Like that move, I learned it from your dad" Miguel taunted 

Hawk caught sight of Demetri and ran after him "Guys stop" I yelled running after them we ran all the way into the computer lab 


"Hawk don't" I pleaded walking by his side 

"I have to Aella" he continued to walk and went into a classroom "Boo," he said and Demetri ran for the exit "COME HERE DEMETRI" I hated running but I couldn't let them hurt each other 

"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT" Demetri cried and we ran all the way back to the main entrance of the school I stood behind Demetri who was fighting Hawk he blocked one of Hawks kicks, Hawk ran at him and Demetri flipped him around 

"No hard feelings," he said forgetting that I was behind him, Hawk realized though he wrapped his arms around my head as we were both thrown into the trophy case I felt myself getting a few cuts along my arms as we fell to the floor, Demetri ran away 

"Oh my god, Aella" Hawk took my face in his hands and wiped some glass shards away gently 

"I'm ok," I said sitting up he grabbed me and held me closely I didn't mind because of how scared I was "we have to help" I got up and looked for where everyone was I saw Sam getting dragged down the stairs by Tory 

"Aella you can't," Hawk said "you're limping" I hadn't realized that till he pointed it out 

"THAT'S FOR TAKING ADVANTAGE OF SAM" Robby yelled kicking Miguel 

"I WOULD NEVER" Miguel growled 


Tory was slicing the air with her spike bracelet trying to cut Sam, I couldn't do anything but watch helplessly as Hawk held onto me Sam let out a whimper when Tory cut her she was about to finish Sam when Sam got up and started to fight again she kicked Tory and sent her down the stairs painfully 

Miguel and Robby were still fighting "SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU SHE LOVES ME" Miguel yelled at Robby 

"SAM'S JUST A FRIEND" Robby yelled back

"Hawk" I whimpered I didn't know what to do, I was stuck here and Robby was getting hurt  a floor above me they continued to fight until Miguel slammed Robby to the floor, he could finish him right now, he seemed to be debating and then he let Robby go, my eyes widened as Robby kicked Miguel two times the second kick sending him flying over the balcony 

"MIGUEL!" Tory screamed 

Miguel hit the railing below and there was s a crack, he lay motionless on the ground, I was in shock I gripped onto Hawk, I had to be dreaming 

"ROBBY WHAT DID YOU DO" Sam yelled, I started to move, I wanted to run to Robby to tell him everything would be fine 

"Aella you can't you'll get hurt," Hawk said and I watched Robby run out of the school

"No" I whispered I walked over to Miguel who was just laying on the floor Hawk took my hand as I began to cry, was he dead? 

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