You can't have both

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Daniel, Sam, Robby, and I were gliding down the road in Daniel's little yellow car, today was the last day of the week and I had to announce my decision today. There was music playing and my hair whipped around my face. We were going to the beach and I was so excited. 

"I still don't understand how going to the beach is going to help us get students," Robby said 

"It's not the students that I'm after, it's the parents" Daniel replied 

"So you're counting on kids listening to their parents?" Sam asked skeptically 

"No, I'm counting on parents doing whatever it takes to protect their kids, look I've tried everything else to promote Miyagi-Do if this doesn't work nothing will," Daniel said, I rested my head on Robby's shoulder I was very conflicted I love Hawk but I also really like Robby this was a huge mess. 

"See what did I tell ya" Daniel pulled up to the beach club "it's always packed on a Saturday" we got out of the car and started to walk in, Robby Sam and I relaxed by the pool while the grown-ups did other stuff. I had to look away when Robby took his shirt off 

"Alright I want to go swimming" I announced 

"Ok I'll swim with you," Sam said excitedly we jumped into the water and splashed around for a but "Come to swim Robby" Sam yelled 

"Nope" he replied 

"Come on do it for Aella" Sam laughed 

"Yeah do it for Aella" I pouted making him grin

"Fine, you know I can never say no to you" he groaned and jumped in the water spraying water in my face I shrieked and swam backward, he didn't re-surface and I saw him swimming towards me I tried to swim away but he grabbed my waist and held me back I laughed as I struggled in his grip, Sam was smirking at me and I glared at her. 

"Welp I'm swimming," Robby told me 

"Thank you very much" I responded, we swam for a bit more Sam and I had a handstand competition which I won due to the fact that I can hold my breath for a while. After twenty minutes we got out and lay on our pool chairs. 

Sam nudged me and I looked up, there stood Aisha with the girl Tory on the balcony above us. 

"What's going on?" Robby asked me 

"It's Aisha," I told him 

"We haven't spoken since everything that went down at Valley Fest," Sam said "I feel like we should clear the air but I'm still pissed at them for ruining our performance" 

"I say go talk to her," Robby said "worst case a fight breaks out and we record it" Sam grinned 

"Who knows maybe I'll come back with a new Miyagi-Do student, you coming Aella?" I nodded and stood up I'll be one second I have to put my clothes on, she walked off without me and I put my coverup on then I took off. Sam and Aisha were talking at a hightop 

"Heyyyy," I said to Aisha giving her a huge hug 

"Are you coming to training tomorrow?" Aisha asked 

"I don't know I have to pick a side today"

"Hey look what I got" Tory grinned and came up to us "oh my god Aella hi" she squealed giving me a hug

"Hi Tory," I said happily "where did you get that" I pointed at the vodka in her bag 

"Swiped it from the bar" she replied cooly 

"You should put that back, you could get into big trouble," Sam told her 

"And you are?"

"Oh Sam this is Tory, Tory, Sam" Aisha introduced them 

"Oh the Sam" Tory smiled "come on like anyone gonna miss one bottle of vodka, I could swipe half the silverware in here before anyone noticed"

"You shouldn't steal anything," Sam told her

"What are you a nun?" Tory asked and I laughed a little "come on are you gonna drink or not?" Tory asked 

"Ok, one drink" Aisha agreed 

"Aella?" I bit my lip 

"One, only one" I grinned "I'll see you after Sam"

"That's my girl" Tory put her arm around me 

Robby's Pov

Sam came back without Aella

"Where's Aella," I asked

"Having a drink" she mumbled "with her Cobra friends" I nodded, Aella had so many friends at Cobra Kai, her whole life was practically there she would never pick Miyagi-Do she had a heart for Miyagi-Do but at the core, she was a Cobra 

"Sorry about Aella," I told Sam

"She can be friends with whoever she wants," Sam said sadly

"Hey, have either one of you seen my wallet?" Amanda asked 

"Wait you're missing your wallet?" I asked 

"It's gotta be around here somewhere" she murmured 

Aella's pov

Wait so you gave her a front wedgie?" Tory asked 

"I split that bitch in two" Aisha giggled 

"Hey" I turned around and saw Sam "my mom's missing her wallet" shit I know where this was about to go 

"Sucks for her" Tory laughed 

"You wouldn't know anything about that?" Sam asked 

"Wait what are you saying?" I asked Sam 

"Just give me the wallet and I won't tell security" Sam spat at Tory who looked at her angrily 

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Tory sneered 

"Sam I don't think she stole the wallet, I was with her the whole time," I said 

"Right, and she didn't steal a bottle of vodka, and you wouldn't steal half the silverware either" 

"I didn't rob your mom bitch" Tory scoffed "you know what let's get out of here" Aisha and Tory turned to walk away but Sam lunged and grabbed Tory 

"Get off of me" Tory shoved Sam pushing her into the buffet table 

"Oh my god, are you ok?" I asked Sam and she glared at me

"Just choose Aella, you can't have Robby and Hawk, you can't have Miyagi-Do and Cobra kai and you can't have Tory and me" she spat "just fucking choose" I ran after the two girls crying I hated what this had become I bumped into someone mumbled a quick sorry and kept running, I didn't even realize it was Robby that I bumped into. 

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