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"Another Karate fight, what the hell were you even thinking?" Amanda yelled at Sam, I had gone back to the hospital so I could see Demetri 

"Mom" Sam cried and Amanda sat down

"Is everything ok?" she asked Sam 

"They broke Demetri's arm" she sobbed "I just wanted to show them we couldn't be bullied" Amanda gave Sam a hug and turned to me 

"Aella are you ok?" she asked and I nodded, physically I was fine but emotionally I was close to broken

"It's going to be ok," Amanda told us 

"We couldn't do anything to help," I told Amanda tears filling my eyes "we couldn't stop it" but the truth was, Sam and I probably could have helped if we hadn't been so scared.

 Amanda was going to take me home but she said she needed to make a quick stop first. She pulled up in front of the Cobra Kai dojo and slammed the door to the car, I ran in after her wondering what she was going to do. 

"Hello?" she yelled looking around "Is anyone here?"

Kreese came out of the backroom "we're closed darling" he told her "but if you've got a youngster you want to put on the list for karate lessons I'd be happy to help you" he had obviously never seen Mrs.LaRusso before, he looked confused when he saw me 

"Is one of those lessons about how to jump a bunch of kids and break one of their arms?" Amanda retorted "cause that's what your students did tonight" 

"Did they?" Kreese asked glancing at me "they must have had it coming" 

"Like my daughter deserved it when one of your minions attacked her at the high school?" Amanda asked 

"Ah" Kreese chuckled "that must make you Mrs.LaRusso what's the matter little Daniel isn't tough enough to fight his own battles anymore"

"Hey Rambo" Amanda snapped "kids are getting hurt so call off your band of karate thugs or I'm going to the police, got it?"

"You're a feisty one," he told her "but I like that" Amanda cut him off by slapping him across the face, I covered my mouth with my hands 

"I don't give a shit what you like" she spat "you're a sociopath and I'm shutting you down if it's the last thing I do" she took my arm and stormed out of the dojo, I was getting really scared this whole karate rivalry had gone too far. I stayed at the LaRusso's that night because I didn't want to be alone my mom was on another trip and I didn't bother asking why.

In the morning I went down to the kitchen to see Daniel and Amanda, I hadn't seen Sam since the night at the hospital "I can't believe you went over to the dojo" Daniel was saying "Are you ok? is Sam ok?" I walked into the room and Daniel looked up in shock 

"Sam's shaken up and so is Aella, I couldn't let her go home to an empty house last night, both of them are scared and how could they not be," Amanda said "honestly I'm a little shaken up to considering there's a karate Psyco terrorizing the neighborhood"

"See it sounds crazy when you say it out loud," Daniel told her 

"No, It sounds crazy when other people say it, now I'm saying it, the man is sick he's got weapons on his walls"

"Aella, does he teach you how to use weapons?" Daniel asked 

"Oh yeah, he's teaching us how to use nunchucks at the moment" I confessed "he also taught us how to use those little sword things" the two grownups were staring at me in horror 

"His students broke Demetri's arm," Amanda told Daniel softly 

"They did what," Daniel asked enraged "I'm going over there" 

"What are you going to do, hit him? look, it's that kind of insanity that got us into this mess and sanity will get us out" she said "we are going to stop him, we have to but we are going to do it my way"

"What's your way," Daniel asked skeptically 

"Going. to. the. police." Amanda told him, they got up and began to get ready to leave the house "Aella feel free to stay as long as you want" Amanda said I gave her a nod still very upset about what went down.

Robby's Pov

I was sitting on my bed when a guard handed me a letter I hoped it was from Aella, she had skipped a day of writing. I ripped it open and began to read, when I was done I looked up in shock, I had to get out of here as soon as possible. She was scared and I couldn't protect her. I took out a piece of paper and began to right back.

Dear Aella,

I'm so sorry about the recent events, I wish I was there with you. I hope you will be safe I wouldn't be able to stand it if you got hurt. I will be out of here in a few weeks and then we can be together again. I think that I'll be joining Cobra Kai with you when I get out of here, that is if you are still in Cobra Kai. I love you so much,


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