She picked him?

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"I really like you, Robby Keene," I said grinning, he smiled too 

"I like you too Aella" he whispered hugging me to his chest. I think my heart was about to explode, Robby is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

"Hey" we both looked up and Daniel was walking towards us 

"Don't bother firing me, I quit" Robby told him

"Robby, it's Robby right," Daniel asked 

"Yeah," Robby said obviously confused as to why Daniel didn't remember his name 

"Make a fist," Daniel told him and I was very confused, a fist why? "if you are going to punch your boss you have to make a tight fist thumb around the outside squeeze the knuckles extend the hand straight out you see that?" 

Robby copied daniel's movements and made a fist, then he hit Daniel's open palm "Look I'm sorry for calling you out inside, that's on me I should have heard your side of it, you're not the only one with a temper around here" 

Robby frowned "all right well thanks" he mumbled 

"So Robby where are you from," Daniel asked, "are you from around here, west valley?"

"No, I live up in north hills," Robby told him "it's uh not as nice as this"

Daniel laughed "I grew up in Reseda, before that Newark new jersey so I know a thing or two about that" 

Robby grinned "really, I figured your family came from money" 

"Yeah well, I guess things arent always what they look like right? for example I thought today was the first time you and Aella met but obviously not"

I froze and I wouldn't be surprised if I looked like a tomato, I let out a nervous laugh and started fidgeting with my hands "I'm gonna head back and announce the sorry you almost got killed sales event I'll see you two in a minute" he walked away. 

I looked at Robby and we both started laughing "that was so weird" I said and he wrapped his arms around me, I could get used to all the hugging it made me feel safe.

After work, I went to Eli's house so we could watch a movie

 "Aella," he said happily engulfing me in a hug when he opened the door 

"Hi Eli," I laughed hugging him back 

"oh uh come in" he mumbled and I walked into his house. "So I hope you like pasta because my mom made spaghetti but if you don't like it I'm sure we can find something else for you to eat" 

"Pasta is great" I smiled and we walked into the kitchen 

"Mom this is Aella" Eli introduced me to the smiling woman that was standing by the stove 

"Hello Aella nice to meet you," she said shaking my hand 

"Nice to meet you too Ms.Moskowitz" I smiled at her and Eli took my arm. 

"We can watch Harry Potter, or Avengers or something like that if you want to, I don't know what you like to watch" 

"Can we watch the first avengers movie?" I asked and he nodded excitedly sitting on the couch "we have to eat dinner first silly" I told him and he blushed going to sit down at the table. Eli's mom left us alone to eat so that she didn't embarrass us. 

"How was work?" Eli asked 

"Oh it was fine nothing amazing" I responded not wanting to tell him about the kiss with Robby 

"Do you want to go to Cobra Kai with me tomorrow, Demeti is coming too" 

I thought for a moment "sure that sounds fun!" Eli grinned and went back to eating his pasta. I felt bad, I feel like I was leading Eli on and I didn't want to do that, he was an amazing friend and I didn't want to srew it up. We finished dinner and cleared the dishes then we went to watch the movie. 

Eli's pov 

Aella lay on my chest while we watched the movie, I liked her so much but I didn't know how to tell her. She fell asleep and had a small smile on her face. I went back to watching the movie but her phone lit up, I saw that Robby had texted her and I wanted to see what he had said. I tried to resist but I couldn't and I picked up her phone. 

I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow, I figured you would want to take our relationship slow after we had kissed.

My stomach dropped, Robby got to her first and I had thrown my chance away, I couldn't believe this. I wanted to cry, she was the first girl who had ever been nice to me. I knew that Robby wasn't a freak which is probably why Aella picked him. 

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