Sam's house

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Later that day it was time to go to Sam's, I was excited I had never been to the LaRussos. I got in my car and drove over. Sam told me Moon and Yasmin would be there too. I saw their cars there already. I walked to the front porch and rang the doorbell. 

"There you are" Sam squealed pulling me in the door 

"Hi, Aella" Moon said I gave her a wave and Yasmin ignored me. Moon put Britney Spears on and we started dancing around. I was already having a lot of fun. "

"We should invite more people" Moon suggested 

"Ok, but only like five more people if we have a party my dad will kill me" sh laughed "how about we each invite one person" We all agreed and texted people I decided to text Hawk because why not.

A: wanna come to a party at Sam's?
H: sure what's the address
A: I'll send it to you

I texted Hawk the address and Moon and I started to put some games out "do you think Sam will get mad if we do beer pong?" 

"Probably how about we use soda?" 

"That's good" 

Moon and I set up soda pong, I figured the LaRusso's wouldn't get mad about us drinking soda. 

"Don't tell but I invited more than one person" Yasmin whispered to me 

"Oh my god Sam's gonna kill you" I laughed 

"She'll have to suck it up," Yasmin said 

Sam turned the lights on in the pool area so that we could go swimming, the only problem was no one brought their clothes. I guess we would be skinny dipping or something. Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang and about seven people were standing there. 

"Guys really," Sam said in an exasperated tone

"Sorry" Yasmin laughed 

The people came in, Brucks and Kyler were there, I wondered if they were going to make my night hell. Lots of the people went to the back to go swimming those people had apparently been told to bring bathing suits. I got a drink and went to the pool to wait for Hawk to arrive. I wondered what Sam's dad was doing because apparently, he couldn't hear the blasting music and laughter. 

"Hey, Aella" I turned around and saw Hawk walking towards me, I ran up to him and gave him a kiss making him smile "are we gonna go swimming?" 

"I am probably not going to because I didn't brink a suit" I laughed 

"Don't be a bitch" Yasmin shouted "no one cares if you go in with underwear" I giggled and debated doing that. I took Hawks hand and we danced to Baby one more time. I was so happy in this moment. 

Robby's pov

Louie had given me something to deliver to Daniel LaRusso so I went over to their house to deliver it myself. I found Daniel in the back balancing and looking very peaceful. 

"Robby?" he asked turning around 

"Did you just sense me?" I said 

"No just the reflection," Daniel told me pointing to things framed in glass. I heard music but I didn't think anything of it. 

"What's this," he asked pointing to the envelope 

"Louie told me to give it to you" 

"You didn't let anyone see it did you," he asked 

"Nope" I shook my head as he opened the envelope 

"Yeah this is good stuff," he said showing me the inappropriate magazine inside the envelope damn it Louie had set me up again

"Hey do you want to stay I can teach you some karate" Daniel offered 

"Ok" I nodded and he started to teach me a few things.

Aella's pov

Hawk and I continued to dance for a while before I hugged him and started to turn him around so his back was facing the pool 

"What are you doing," he asked 

"Oh I was just thin-" without giving him a warning I shoved him into the pool, he came back to the surface glaring at me 

"You are so dead" he growled swimming towards the steps and then running after me 

"No I'm sorry" I laughed as he gained on me I knew he would catch up but I kept running, he grabbed my waist and picked me up "No" I giggled as he made his way back to the pool 

"Bye," he said and tossed me into the water, I resurfaced laughing and pushing my hair back, he came in with me,  I wrapped my legs around his waist and he just held me like that he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose 

"This is a fun party," he said smiling 

"Yes it is" I agreed 

"Can you dive?" he asked, 

"kinda why?" 

"DIVING CONTEST" Hawk yelled and people immediately got up and started heading to the diving board. Kyler went first doing a flip, then brucks, and some more people. 

"Go Hawk" I cheered as he stepped up, he sprung high into the air and did a clean dive I clapped and grinned when he looked at me 

"Your turn," he told me and I gulped 

"I am not a good diver," I told everyone so that they didn't think I was actually trying, I was so nervous that I did a belly flop and hit the water with a smack. I started laughing hysterically as Hawk held me again

"You're so cute," he said giving me a soft kiss

"Thank you, you are very cute as well" I ran my fingers through his hair which wasn't in the big spikes anymore. I stared into Hawks blue eyes and we both leaned in. I ran my hands through his hair and kissed him more forcefully, we had a whole make-out session and when we pulled away everyone cheered making me blush.  

What I didn't notice was Robby standing by the fence.

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