Wheel Technique

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"Dad?" Sam and I walked out of the dojo and saw Daniel in the little pond "Dad what are you doing?" Sam asked 

"Mr.Miyagi built this a few years before he died," Daniel told us, "he said it's a monument of balance"

"Yeah we know," Sam said "you had us balance on the little wooden thing"

"Yes well today Aella will be doing that" Daniel noted

"I'm sorry what?" I asked 

"Today it's not going to balance bonsais it's going to help you learn the wheel technique, hop in" Daniel instructed 

"Um," I looked at the water "you actually want me to get in there?"


"But I'm not wearing a swimsuit" 

"a little water never hurt anyone" 

"Is it clean"


"is it cold"

"I have no clue"

All of a sudden I was pushed into the cold water, I resurfaced and found Robby laughing "wow thanks Robby" I said sarcastically taking a step forward "oh my god what did I just step on" I asked in alarm 

"Don't worry about it" Daniel told me 

"Question, am I balancing myself, or is someone getting in here with me?" I asked  

"Oh right, Robby get in there," Daniel said, Robby, let out a loud groan but got in anyway "come on getting up there" I got up on the board really fast "Woah easy" Daniel laughed "find your balance" we both got up, I was wobbling a lot while Robby was just standing there 

"What, how are you doing that," I asked 

"Practice" he responded 

"Ok, Aella look at Robby, face each other, ok now take starting positions" we began to do our movements and we almost got it but when I did the kick I fell off the board flinging Robby into the water as well, I came back up moving my hair back 

"Ok not a bad start" Daniel laughed "you need to find your footing"

"I don't feel like I'm finding anything," I told him "and when was the last time this thing was cleaned?" 

"Come on guys get back up, that was great," Daniel said and I frowned it was not great, I don't know how long we were doing that but eventually we got it down and didn't fall at all, 

"Oh my god we did it" I cheered walking across the board to give Robby a hug and once I did we both toppled into the water, I came up laughing 

"You are going to pay for that" Robby said 

"I was just trying to give you a hug" I giggled he ran over to me and started to tickle me "Robby stop" I laughed gasping for air "I'm sorry I won't give you hugs anymore" Robby stopped 

"But I like hugs" he pouted and pulled me into a hug 

"I know so don't tickle me," I said giving him an evil laugh and getting out of the water 

Sam's pov

I watched Robby and Aella in the water and I realized I needed to find a way to get Hawk out of the picture, Aella doesn't look at Hawk the way she does Robby, they belong together and I would do whatever it took to get them together. 

Aella's pov

"I'm not the most flexible" I turned around hearing a familiar voice 

"Demetri" I yelled happily running over to him "what are you doing here" 

"Learning karate," he said in a duh tone "no hugs I don't want to get wet" I laughed 

"Ok" I watched as Demetri did all the movements Robby and I had done, he painted the house, sanded the floor somehow he got a splinter even though you aren't supposed to actually touch your hand to the floor, he then ran up to Daniel and gave him a note. 

"What is this?" Daniel asked 

"It's a note from my mom excusing me from any extensive hand and leg movements, so is there a workbook I can do?" Demetri asked, I tried not to laugh at Daniel's annoyed expression 

"Show me sand the floor" Daniel instructed 

"I just sanded it, it's pretty smooth" Demetri whined 

"No the movements, ready, fight" Daniel kicked Demetri in the leg 

"Oww, you kicked me" 

"Block Demetri, you know this, it's muscle memory"

"In case you haven't noticed, I don't have muscles," Demetri told him, that's it I burst out laughing and ran into the dojo trying to calm myself. I saw Sam and sat down next to her.

"So, do you like Robby," she asked 

"No," I told her 

"I'm not going to tell Hawk, but I see the way you look at him and I see the way he looks at you, friends don't look at each other like that" 

"I'm conflicted Sam, yes I do like Robby and I probably always have but I love Hawk" I sighed 

"Are you saying you like, not love Robby?" 

"I don't know, it's just something feels so right when I'm with him," I told her "but I don't want to hurt Hawk, and I don't want to have to make another conflicting choice" Sam nodded 

"Yeah, I get it but if you did tell Robby how you feel, I'm sure he would return the feelings," she said 

"I don't know, sometimes I feel like he thinks of me as a sister" 

"There is no way" Sam laughed "it's definitely more than that" 

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