Chapter 1: Just Not My Life

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Darling's P.O.V.

Sweat ran down my eyebrow. I was running and running and running. Class was over and I was gone. Nothing was stopping me not today. There was no way I was attending that silly damsel's tea party when I could be doing some knight training. Yeah, I'm a knight. Even though it is royally against the rules, I just don't care. Whatever after! To me being a damsel is just so bland, every time I watch a movie I just think to myself, Lady, there's a sword right there! Go grab it and stab the dragon, what are you waiting for?!

While I do that every other princess starts sobbing and wailing, it's delusional! Finally, I made it. I dig through the bushes and moss and uncover my spotless White Knight's armor. I smile and start putting it on.

Training had always been the same. Practice the moves you saw your brothers and other destined heroes do and perfect them. Yesterday afternoon, from my bedroom balcony (royals tend to have dorms on higher floors and have more dorm room privileges) I saw Daring with a complicated sword move. I copied it and I did pretty well. Beep, beep, beep.

I turned around and opened my silver purse covered in white rhinestones. My free period was ending, I had to reach the Castleteria for lunch or else people would start raising eyebrows. I ran really fast, so I made it. I gracefully walked in and many admirers stared at me. I was used to this already, this started when I was 6. Going to the royal mall, having a picnic, opening my bedroom window, admirers were everywhere. "Over here!" waves Apple, the fairest of them all.

I smile elegantly, "Sure, I'm coming."

Lunch was pork chops, rice, carrot soup and lemonade. Another privilege of royal students, better lunches. My friend, Rosabella Beauty, has been protesting for a while now, though the actions remained fruitless. "Did you hear? The Castle Boutique has a new jewelry selection. We have to go!" squealed Holly O' Hair, daughter of Rapunzel.

Ashlynn Ella, daughter of Cinderella, exclaims, "I hope they have nature themed jewelry."

"Girls, girls, that boutique has everything. No need to worry!" hushes Apple White, daughter of Snow White, the fairest of them all.

I try my best not to yawn, I heard this everyday of my life, this just wasn't me. I sighed softly and join in the conversation. "I hope they have a new ring selection. I'm dying to get a silver and diamond one, it would match my new skirt and belt," I say, faking all my enthusiasm.

The princesses squeal and start planning a dress up party to mix and match new outfits. When class, lunch, dinner was all over I dashed off. That was not my life, it wasn't for me, just not mine.

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