Chapter 13: A Desperate Un-queenlike Measure

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Rosabella's P.O.V.

I don't know how my cousin, Briar, did it, but the Graduation Spellebration was fableous! The chocolate fountain, 1.5 foot long gingerbread house, fruit platters and punch were so great. Melody's music with Meeshell's singing ruled the party. However, the biggest surprise of all was Raven Queen getting up to sing a song. She played the piano and sang her true heart out and boy, was everyone surprised at what an amazing voice she had. If she isn't going to be the Evil Queen, she should become a singing queen! I guess the part I enjoyed the most was dancing with my true love, Daring Charming. Isn't he charming?

Well, here came the sad part. After the dance everyone left from the back doors and boarded their carriages home. Luggage was already packed away and the dorm keys had been returned to the office to Cynthia Trollsworth, the headmaster's secretary. Typically, destinies would start happening and legacies would be preserved soon. This school year was completely different, ever since Raven Queen flipped the script there was something called, "choice". Fairy tale children could make and write their own destinies. Wasn't it spellbinding?

Now where was I? Oh, right, the sad part. Everyone was leaving Ever After High and it would be awhile before I saw them again. I said farewell to all of my friends and boarded my yellow carriage with green vine like wheels. I promised Darling, my BFFA, that we would meet again and then I was off.

Darling's P.O.V.

I was boarding the blue carriage with the Charming family crest. Daring and Dexter were still saying bye to their friends. Rosabella had just left after saying goodbye to me. I was about to scream at my brothers to get in the carriage, but then Raven Queen walked up. She looked stunning in er tight black gown with small silver spikes at the top of her arms. Her hair was in a high ponytail (sort of like her Dragon Games one) with a silver spiked tiara with chains and gems "dripping down". "Hi!" I greeted.

Raven said, "Congrats on graduating! I just want to let you know, I will continue searching for the book. Remember, even if you don't have a story, you can always write your own."

I smiled, "Thank you, Raven, for everything."

"What did I do?" she asked.

"Standing up for what you believe in, thanks."

We hug and she enters her own carriage. Daring and Dexter finally get in the carriage, and we all leave. Ever After High looked lonely from the moonlight. There were no longer lights coming from dorm rooms, bird songs from Ashlynn's windows or even the chatter of students who snuck outside for the night. The school would be closed until the next chapter of future fairy tales.

When I woke up, we were here, home. My mother greeted us with open arms and my father smiled as he saw us (but mostly Daring) step out of the carriage. There was a big feast, a lively evening conversation and then bedtime. I tossed and turned all night, When will my destiny start? Sure, now I know that I'm the next Brave Princess, but what will happen? I only read the beginning and end, so what about the plot? I guess everyone had the same thought because Dexter kept yawning during breakfast and Daring didn't smile that much. Father always to his important meetings. I sighed as Daring and Dexter also left for some jousting practice. Daring promised to "teach" Dexter, but it was probably going to end with Daring boasting with pride as Dexter fell into the mud. "We need to talk," my mother said directly.

I nod and say, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"You never start a sentence with 'so', it's just improper," she corrects.

"Sorry, what do you want to tell me?" I repeat, this time without the word, "so".

"How do I put this?" mother said, her voice trailing off.

I waited patiently, trying not to fidget. Princesses mustn't fidget, especially when speaking to royalty. Finally, mother began, "As you know, princesses live a life of great splendor."

I opened my mouth to speak, but she took out a finger to pause me. "No interruptions please."

I nod and mother continues, "The role of a princess in a royal family is essential. Just like how the prince is the heir to the throne, trained to grow the kingdom, a princess too has such a role. Yet, it's different from her brother's. Princesses are to be betrothed to other princes to ensure the success of their kingdom. Darling, what I am trying to say is-"

Before she could continue, I started to cry and I ran up the steps to my bedroom. I could hear her yelling and chasing after me. Her dark blue heels tapping against the stone. She kept calling for me, but i ignored her pleas and slammed my door shut. My hands curled around the golden lock and I turned it. Tears ran down my rosy cheeks, sadness took over my mind, my body felt weak. How could she do this to me? Why? WHY?!

However, there wasn't enough time to demand answers. I grabbed a backpack and shoved clothes and some treasured belongings inside. I changed out of my silly blue gown into a loose blue dress with long sleeves and a silver hem. It was flexible and breathable. I put on tight, silver track pants that looked like leggings and wore my running shoes. I approached the large window, it was the window I would climb out of to train as a warrior. Just like old times, I told myself.

My mother's screaming voice was getting louder and angrier. I opened the grand window and started using the vines to climb out.

Merida's P.O.V.

My voice roared as I beckoned my daughter to come out. Had I been so difficult when I was her age? I rattled the doorknob, but it was locked. A sad con about us having the best locks in the world, no way in. Locks weren't stopping me, Darling had to understand what would happen if she didn't do this. There was no way of getting the door open by shaking it. I would not do it! If I didn't, all would be lost, so I looked around just in case there were people nearby. Darling lived atop on a tall tower, so it was a less busy place than the other rooms. I raced down and grabbed the bow and arrows from my bedroom wall. I had not touched or even looked at them for a long time. It had been so long ago I had a bow in my arms. It felt as if a part of me was back, the part I pushed away.

Now was not the time to take a walk down memory lane, I had some business to take care of. I quickly run back to Darling's bedroom door, lift up my dress, revealing remove my dark blue stilettos. I give two hard kicks at the doorknob and the door swings wide open. The window was open, so I climb down. I can see a blue dot running away into the rose garden. My feet touch the green grass and I aim my bow. It fired and it was a direct shot. Luck was on my side today.

A/N: Hope everyone enjoyed this rather long chapter, and the cliffhanger. I did provide more information on Merida, so that is good. Does anyone have any request for whose P.O.V.  should do?

Thanks a lot, everybody and I will update soon!

P.S. Check out the book @SapphireFrostie09 wrote, called The Hearts!

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