Chapter 12: My Happily Ever After

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A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry this chapter will be slightly boring until the ending because I'd like to just provide some information on Ever After High itself (most of these are headcanons). Some words may not make sense, since they're official EAH puns. Funny story, but I deleted half of the original chapter and rewrote it since it was too boring, oof.

As promised, the voters on my poll get a dedication and my next and last one is for @SapphireFrostie09; She's super duper supportive and crazy in the good way! Thank you very much! (Her old account was deleted)

One more classes! One! Darling told herself. She just needed one more classes before she could read the lost tale she acquired from Giles Grimm. She had Ballet right now. Usually, second year princesses take Muse-ic. They sing and learn what song should be for what situation. Third year princesses take Dance Class-ic, where the students learn all kinds of "essential" dance skills a princess needs. The fourth year lets you take a specific dance or type of music. 

Meeshell Mermaid took Muse-ic, Ashlynn Ella, Apple White and Briar Beauty took ballroom dancing, and Crystal Winter took Muse-ic too. Duchess Swan, Holly O'Hair, Justinne Dancer and Darling Charming signed up for ballet. Darling only signed up because she believed learning about being graceful and light on your toes could be useful when being a knight.

Holly's P.O.V

I like attending ballet class, but it's really a thorn in my finger to put my hair up in a bun. The dress code for Ballet Class-ic is strict, like super strict. No jewelry allowed, only wear a tutu and a sleeveless top, stockings are a must, ballet shoes are an always. The dreaded rule is: hair must be kept in a tight, neat bun. I am the daughter of Rapunzel, how am I going to get my hair into a "tight, neat bun"!? Well, Poppy (my twin sister) always helps. She puts my hair into a beehive bun. It takes forever to style and restyle. 

So, here I was waiting in line for our teacher, Fifi Dancer, the first dancing princess (also Justinne Dancer's aunt), to open the Red Shoes Dance Studio's doors. Fifi's daughter was Allula Dancer, who was much older than me and the others, so she had already graduated. As soon as Justinne's graduation came their story would begin. 

Darling was bursting with giddiness. I never knew Darling liked ballet that much! She kept moving around and checking the clock, as if she was waiting for the class tro start.

The doors opened and out came Fifi Dancer. She had dark brown skin, black hair (in a bun), a magenta tutu, black tights and white ballet shoes. "Good afternoon!" she yelled.

Everyone yelled back, "Good afternoon, Madame Dancer!"

She smiled, "Hexcellent, in a line now and enter the Room 1. Single file now."

Everyone went to Room 1 where balance bars and mats had already been set. We dropped our bags with spare clothes into the blue square cubbies and knelt down on the yellow mats. There were all sorts of dance inspired posters on the walls.

An hour later, class ended and students headed off to where they needed to be.

Darling's P.O.V.

Class ended and like always, I was off. This time was my dorm room. Rosabella, my roommate, had gone out, so I was alone. Just me and The Brave Princess. I smiled and plopped myself down on the white armchair. The pages were old and yellow, the black ink smudged. Sometimes when I flipped the pages I was so scared they would just crumble. They had been through so much that the pages were stiff and some parts of the margins were ripped and with bite marks. Since a major bit of the pages were missing, I read through it pretty quickly. I grinned to myself as if I was the Cheshire Cat. Basically, I'm forced to marry some random prince, I stand up for myself...HAPPILY EVER AFTER! Sure, I did not know the plot, but how bad can it be? Eat a poison cherry? Sleep for 1 month? Whatever it was I'm sure I could take it.

I was so happy, I used to wonder if I just run away to Wonderland after I graduated. At the magical place, Wonderland, you could be anyone you chose. I could be the White Knight. I always pushed the thought out because I couldn't bear to leave my family, even if they were pushy all the time.

Immediately, I knew who to hext. Not Dexter, he sort of knew I was good at knight stuff, plus I was saving all that for when destiny happened. I smiled too myself and got ready. I had a date tonight. When I was finished dressing myself I looked in my white full length mirror. I wore gray trackpants with pink sides at the sides. I had a baby blue t-shirt with Charming made from sparkles. I put on a blue jacket with a pink C and my hair in a lovely ponytail. I put on a simple silver tiara with pink jems. To match the tiara, I had a a silver bracelet with rows of silver beads and a necklace that had a pink gem in the middle of the string of silver beads.

Then I left, towards a beautiful valley of golden grass. I sat down at the edge of the hill and later Chase joined me. "Hey, what did you want to tell me?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.

"It's nothing bad, so you don't have to fret over it," I began, "Want to live happily ever after with me?"

Chase's eyes went wide, in my mind, I was somewhat disapointed at his reaction, but I understood why. Chase still didn't sit down, "What do you mean?"

I sighed, "If that's your way of saying 'no' you can just say it."

"Who says I'm saying 'no'?"

Finally, he sits down next to me, "What happened?"

Then, I told him the story I had found. Finally, a promised Happily Ever After for me. My kind of Happily Ever After. Chase replies after I finished, "Yes, just you and me."

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