Chapter 10: A Helpful Birdie

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A/N: Hello there! I want to just say thanks to everyone who has been reading and enjoying this book. I'm really happy that people love the story and now we have lots of votes and comments! *squeals* So thank you all, and as promised those who voted on my polling for which story to write next will receive a dedicated chapter.

First dedication is for @DebbieCritters thanks so much for voting on my polling and I know you're a big fan of Raven Queen, so this chapter is for you!

Spring break was over and Ever After High was once again full of students. MyChapter pages exploded with posts about students' holidays. Schools returned to normal in 1 day and everyone darted into classrooms.

Raven's P.O.V.

Great, Princessology class. Since I'm the daughter of the Evil Queen, I have to take Princessology and Kingdom Management. Even evil people have to learn how to rule, I guess. The only reason why I hate Princessology class so much is because how stereotypical it is. Seriously, what was the White Queen thinking when she set up the lesson plans?!

When I entered the grand room, I sat down in my seat. The classrooms all were like a lecture hall. The teacher at the center and the chairs slowly rising up like stairs. The room was shaped as a semi-circle with wooden desks all connected to each other and a white podium/stage with a chalk board in the back. Sometimes we used the projector and the projector sheet for slide show presentations.

I sat at Row 3, Desk 9. My partner was Crystal Winter, daughter of the Snow Queen. She too, was a villain who rebelled. We got along nicely and made a great team for projects. "Hey," she says as I sit down and start getting out my materials: pencil case, hextbook and notebook.

"Hey," I reply, "Am I early?"

Crystal nods, "Yup, look at the chalk board."

I squinted and saw it read the bold white words, "Kind and Friendly";  "Finally, am I right?" remarks the Snow Princess.

This time I nod, "Yeah, this is what Her Majesty the White Queen should have been teaching all along!"

"I know right?"

Suddenly, the White Queen came in from the teachers' door at the left of the podium. "Good morning, class. Though can we really call it good? How are we to know if the morning was good?" ponders the White Queen.

Since Her Majesty came from Wonderland, she was well mad. She wasn't accustomed to some sayings or actions here, which sometimes irritated students. She announces to all, "Like the board reads, today we will study kindness and friendliness. Like in so many fairytales, princesses are shown to be kind."

"Well, most of the princesses and queen," she adds.

Crystal and I look at each other. "She did not just say that," I growl.

Crystal rants, "I can not believe her!"

We roll our eyes at the same time and listen to the lecture. The thronework lesson was simple, talk and get to know someone you didn't be friends with before. Hextra credit was to help them out. It sounded straightforward, except the problem was I was nice to everyone. The Royals sometimes didn't even talk to me, so who should I talk to? Everyone was either scared of me, ignored me or were already friends with me. Crystal said she already had the perfect person in mind, Duchess Swan, daughter of the Swan Queen. Duchess was bitter to everyone, so I guessed she was the right choice. Plus, Crystal was new here, so she and Duchess had no negative history.

Class ended and I headed out. I had a 45 minute break before my next class, Crownculus (Calculus). Outside the classroom was my BFFA's, Cerise Hood, daughter of Red Riding Hood and Madelinn Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter. "The rooms and times of teaching, was the mind doing some bleaching?" asked Madelinn.

I raise my eyebrow and Maddie says, "How was class? What did you learn?"

I hexplained the thronework assignment and told them I had to go. As I walked off, I saw the perfect person to get to know, Darling Charming, daughter of King Charming. I think she had the hexact same idea because she started walking towards me too. She wore a silver sleeveless, but not strapless pencil dress. Powder blue heels with rough ridges, somewhat like armor. With white leggings and a silver tiara with various organized loops and a pink feather on the right side. "Hi, I was wondering if we could do the thronework together," she says, her voice sounding like an angel's.

I smile back, "That's hexactly what I had in mind. Come on, let's go to my dorm."

We enter and go to my pre-decorated side of the room. Black walls and dark purple carpets, black villainous accessories were everywhere. We approach my lavender desk with a purple hutch and black drawers. The handles are loopy silver metal pieces with raven skulls in the middle. Despite, the evil look Darling looks totally comfortable, unlike most princesses when they walk in. "Did Apple do this?" she asks, trying her best to hold in a laugh.

I reply, "Yeah, I've been able to get rid of some of the evil furniture. Like that Iron Maiden style wardrobe, what was she thinking?! There were so many spikes on the inside, I swear my clothes were in serious danger."

We both giggle, and get to work. After a while, she brings up a question, "Hey, can you take me to the Vault of Lost Tales, please?"


"Promise not to tell?"

I reassure the nervous princess, "Promise."

She whispers, "I think it has something to do with my destiny."

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