Chapter 7: It's Calling

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Spring break was here and all students packed their bags ready to leave. Blondie quickly interviewed her peers for their Spring Break plans.

"Thanks," Rosabella smiles, "I can't wait to go skiing!"

"Remember to send me lots of pictures!" chimes the blonde princess.

"Of course," claims Rosabella.

The girls hug and they board their carriages home. Darling peeks out the window and sees the large Ever After High castle slowly becoming a small speck in the horizon. The ride would take a few hours, so Daring decided to gaze into his mirror and Dexter was reading a book. Darling decided it was a good time to check her MyChapter pages for updates on her friends. Briar posted how she was throwing a party after everyone comes back. Apple posted how she was attending a fairest secret gala. Hopper said he was going fishing. Darling took a picture of the mountains, forest and the campus castle and posted it with the title: Leaving School, It Looks Beautiful from A Far;

Hours passed, a hundred of likes passed, and they were there. Darling's heart thumped, hard. She knew she was in trouble. How could she not be?! She was going to tell her father she was dating someone. "My children!" squealed Meri Dunbroch, King Charming's wife.

"Mom!" cheers the children, "How are you?"

Meri remarks, happily, "Good, but even better that my beloved children has returned."

The kids hug their mother and then, King Lance Charming arrives. "How has everyone been?" he stated hugging Daring.

The children smile, "Good. Everything is going well."

"Come. Let us eat!" Lance states, beckoning his beautiful family to the dining halls.

The lunch was spellbinding. Prime ribs with salad, mashed potatoes, toast and grape cider. Questions about how school was going came up, then their personal life. "Great and great," answers Daring, confidently.

Dexter says, not so confidently, "Yeah, it is great."

"And you, Darling?" asks Meri.

"Uh, well. I'm dating a boy and could he come for dinner tomorrow, so you all could meet him please?" confesses Darling, nervously.

Silence took over the table. Dexter and Daring sat down hoping nothing bad would go down. It seemed like time stood still, until Lance Charming clear his throat. Darling closed her eyes, awaiting her punishment. He said, "Oh, uh, well I am glad you told us. I'd like to meet this boy, please invite him over."

Darling smiles after she recovers from the shock of no punishment. "Thanks. I appreciate it," she says, briefly.

Dinner ends and everyone goes to their sleeping quarters for the night. "Come over for dinner at 5:30 PM, my dad said it was okay," Darling informs Chase over a call.

Chase replies, "Really? That's great, thanks! Have a good night."

"Yeah, sweet dreams!"

Throughout the night, Darling couldn't sleep. The princess could not get over the fact her father approved! She needed to know, so she quickly put on a pair of silver sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a silver hoodie. She blended in with the shadows and started investigating. In the living room she heard her parents talking. "Lance, why? Why would you let Darling do that?" questions Meri.

Lance says, "Meri, it is coming whether you like it or not. I may as well let her enjoy it while it last."

"But the gala! It might be able to stop it," reasons the queen.

"It is calling to her. You just can not stop destiny. Our last hope is the gala," states King Charming.

Meri starts to cry, "The trouble destiny causes. It calls to her, but we might be able to block out the calls."

"There's nothing we can do, I am sorry, Meri."

With this information, Darling swiftly returns to her room. She was supposed to be the next Charming Princess. Some troll or monster tries to marry and capture her. A knight or prince saves her and The End. Now she pondered over the question, what was her destiny?

A/N: Hello everyone! Like in the story, it's my Spring Break too! So updates will be slower for a week, but after that everything will be back to normal. Lance Charming is the official name for King Charming, so I used that. Meri Dunbroch is a hint for the story though, hehe. Do you know what the hint is?

Have a good day!

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