Chapter 5: Charmings In Distress

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"Daring Charming, Dexterous Charming and Darling Charming to the headmaster's office please. I repeat Daring, Dexter and Darling Charming, children of King Charming to Headmaster Milton Grimm's office please," announced the school speaker.

The siblings gave each other incredulous looks, they never ever after got in trouble before. "Oh no," sighed Dexter.

Daring started panicking, "I have never got in trouble before! What would father say? AH, STRESS WILL RUIN MY FACE!"

"It's probably nothing," Darling said, half heartedly, secretly she dreaded this moment.

The siblings walked to the office, pits in the bottom of their stomach. What would they tell their father and mother? Though each sibling had a different worry. Daring was scared his father was upset he recently lost to Chase Redford in Hero Training class. Dexter was scared because he was dating the destined evilest of them all, Raven Queen. Darling feared someone had found out she was the White Knight of Wonderland and ratted her out.

"You wanted to see us?" stammered Daring.

"Yes, I did. Please take a seat," spoke the headmaster with a stern, strict voice.

Everyone nervously sat down in the dark red velvet chairs. Dexter shifted nervously in his seat. "Daring," the headmaster began, "I would like to speak to you about your destiny."

Daring perked up before Milton said, "Later. First, I need to speak with your sister and brother. I hexpect you to help me."

Daring nods and the headmaster continues, "We'll start with Dexterous. Dexter, what do you think you're doing, dating the future Evil Queen?! You of all people should understand the importance of destiny!"

Dexter looked nervous and replied, "Well, she isn't going to become the next Evil Queen. On Legacy Day, she rebelled, so she's carving her own destiny."

Milton Grimm glared at the prince, "We are in the fourth year already! Graduation year, after that the book is closed until the next generation of fairy tales! Raven Queen will follow in her mother's sinister footsteps! AND YOU WILL FOLLOW IN A PRINCE CHARMING'S FOOTSTEPS! Do I make myself clear?"

Before Dexter could reply, the headmaster swiftly moved on. Dexter sat there, blood cold in fear. He couldn't let go of Raven, he just couldn't. "Mr.Grimm, why did you want to see me?" questioned Darling, "If this is about my grades, I assure you I'm a straight A student."

The headmaster answered, "No, Ms.Charming, this is not about your grades. I know you're a model student. You apparently have the same issue as your twin. I hear you just made it official that you're with that Wonderland boy. Chase Redford, son of the Red Queen, I believe."

He isn't some "Wonderland boy" Darling said in her mind. In reality Daring said calmly, "But my destiny hasn't started yet."

The princess wanted to add that Milton Grimm probably just made it up, but she contained that thought. "Do you understand that you're the next Charming Princess?"

Darling nods and the headmaster adds, "There is no Wonderland prince in your destiny. You of all people should know that in graduation year you should start connecting with your prince."

Darling stayed silent, one msistep could lead to an epic fairy fail. If she stayed quiet and just did nothing, perhaps the headmaster wouldn't notice. "What about me?" asked Daring.

Milton smiles, "I have some questions for you. You signed before Miss Queen, what did you see in your future?"

"Well, I didn't see Apple in there. I knew I was not her prince. I saw me cursed to become a beast and Rosabella turning me back. I was on the red carpet with Apple, but that was because instead of becoming lovers we became friends," hexplained King Charming's eldest son.

"I see. Well, in that case I have nothing to say to you. It is a great loss that we will not have you be Miss White's prince, but Rosabella Beauty must be very lucky to have you as her prince. Please, try to convince her to sign and talk some sense in to your siblings."

The Charming children stood up, ready to leave and never look back. "One more thing," informed the headmaster, "Detention for Dexterous and Darling. I will not tolerate any more rebels."

Darling looked at the headmaster's desk. There was a long list with all the rebels or royals who dated people outside of their story all with the word, "DETENTION" next to their names."B-but we didn't do anything wrong!" argued Dexter.

Daring snapped, "Please, let them off this time. I promise I will help."

Just then Raven Queen, Chase Redford and Rosabella Beauty ran in the room. "Cynthia, what type of secretary are you?! I told you I didn't want to be disturbed!" yelled Milton.

"She's at lunch break, so we invited ourselves in" informed Rosabella Beauty.

Raven asked, "Remember in our Book to School packets? There was our schedules, list of hextbooks to buy, dorm key and the totally reasonable rules of Ever After High?"

"Well, it says that the headmaster will not interfere with the students' private life, only to lead them to their destinies," adds Chase, "You're violating a school rule!"

Rosabella claims, "You hold a grudge against the Rebels for breaking rules, but you yourself have broken one!"

The headmaster sat there, frozen for a moment. He managed to utter, "Fine, you three may leave."

Everyone exits and Blondie shoots a microphone at Daring, "Excuse me, are the Charming children in trouble? Are the three of you rebelling? What happened in there?"

Daring grins. "Well, he wasn't happy with my little bro's and sis's love life and he threatened detention. These three here rescued them by beating Mr.Grimm at his own game: rules."

Blondie quickly interviews everyone before trying to get Milton's side of the story. Her interview was cut short by a hard slam at the door. The three couples laughed at the entire fiasco and set off for dinner.

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