Chapter 27: Mending the Bond

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A/N: What's up readers? Before you read, just wanted to let y'all know I changed James Charming, Cinderella's hubby, to Henry Charming because as it turns out that's his real name!

Darling's P.O.V.

My mother was well hidden in the center of the maze. Witchita had just arrived with the lords and kings, the plan was going smoothly. Chase sneakily darted towards the path that led to the center. No one was going anywhere. I was at the top of the high bushes, no one saw me. In awe, I rubbed my eyes, not believing what I saw. My mother appeared in thick black smog, walking towards the crowd. It couldn't be her, I hid my mother! Who did I mention was in the form of a big black bear!

Except, she looked different. A couple of cuts on each arm, a teared and ragged dress, bruises all over and puffy red eyes that showed she had been crying. Tearfully, she gasped and rushed into my dad's arms. "Meri! What in Ever After happened to you?" he asked with  worried look while a duke threw a thick black cloak over her.

"Oh, Lance. Oh, Lance," she sobbed, "This horrible bear attacked me after I dealt with Darling and guess what? This crazy witch girl was the one whop summoned the bear, she was unhappy with how we ruled and wanted to take it out on me. I don't even know how she came in, she had red and back hair and-"

She was cut off by King Phillip yelling, "Isn't that the witch?!"

Heads turned at Witchita, who  snapped her fingers. A graceful broom appeared and she hopped on. The plan was ruined.

Witchita's P.O.V.

Something was wrong, very wrong. Then, I realized who "Merida" was. It was Hexena Carver, my mother. I alway remember how mother could amazingly disguise herself, from an old woman to even the queen herself. My mother wanted power, and now was the best chance. With the real queen as a bear and with chaos in the land, this was her moment to seize it. However, to seal the deal Lance would need to die for her to become queen.

I had to do something. "Darling, NOW!" Chase yelled.

"NO!" I screamed back.

It was too late, with precision Darling's arrow whirled at Lance's heart. A black wisp twirling around the arrow before flying away with a strand of pink in it. My eyes went wide, it had just become a sharp, pointy, dangerous arrow. The love potion that made the arrow harmless had just flown away.

Everything that happened next was a blur. Merida (the real one that was a bear) came out of its hiding place and leapt in front of Lance. Then the arrow hit her heart, I could hear Darling shriek and begin to sob. I could see many arrows being shot at Merida from the lords and kings. My mother (in Merida's form) gasped as a large wind came and her cloak flew on top of the bear's furry body. "What happened?" asked King Phillip, Aurora Beauty's husband.

"Is the king hurt?" asked another voice.

I jumped off my broom and was soon joined by a tearstreaked Darling and a shocked Chase.

My mother rushed towards Lance's arms, crying. She quickly asked Lance if he was alright before she stated her case. "It was her!" she fake sobbed, pointing at Darling, "She didn't get what she wanted, so she tried to shoot her own father!"

"No!" Chase argued, "You're not the queen, the bear is!"

King Henry squinted at Chase. "Hey, aren't you from Wonderland? You're mad, how could Queen Meri be a bear?! She's clearly right here!"

The kings nodded in agreement while Lance was to stunned to do anything. Then, there was a small moan from under the black cloak. A hand shot out, not a furry paw, but a human hand. Then, a head with wild, fiery red curls. The woman gasped, "Help," she said weakly.

The cloak covered her naked body and people were astonished. Blood stained the grass and two queens stood, an imposter and Merida Dunbroch. Darling screamed at the kings, "Do something, you useless men!"

I finally spoke, "What are you doing? Just standing there? Are you blind, the true queen is clearly her! Merida Dunbroch!"

Hexena snapped, "Seize them! Seize them all!"

The kings weren't sure what to do, until Lance knelt down and looked into his real wife's eyes. A few tears ran down his face, "I'm sorry, Meri, I mean Merida. I still love you."

Everyone was shocked, but Hexena's disguise melted away in anger. Everyone was distracted, it was her chance. Darling noticed and grabbed an arrow, firing at her left thigh.  Then she shot at her right, then her arms, until the Witch Carver could no longer move. "You aren't going anywhere," she seethed, "You will pay for your unjust crimes."

"Take her away," orders Lance, cradling Merida in his arms with the black cloak draping over her.

Whatever bond that was broken was fixed, Merida and Darling's, Lance and Merida's, it had been mended.


is just the beginning...

A/N: I wans't kidding, the story ain't done yet! However the tale of the next Brave Princess (Darling Charming) is over. Stay tuned for the epilogue! Thank you readers for your support! Cheers! :D

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