Chapter 17: Witchy Business Part 1

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A/N: That's my OC, Hexena Carter, the Witch Carver. She'll be introduced at the middle of the chapter. That's what she looks like and I used a screenshot of Maid Marian to make her. If you want to know what her daughter, Witchita, looks like here's the link:

Now please enjoy this long chapter!

Darling's heart beated rapidly, here she was defying tradition and worse, her father. Lance roared in anger, "THAT IS ENOUGH!"

It was not enough for Darling, with a new surge of confidence she moved in on Michael Beract. She swung her sword close to his stomach and the poor prince had no other option, but to fight back. Darling easily took Michael down and she knew this was not the end.

Unfortunately, she was correct. Kings and queens started arguing against her father. King Florian, Snow White's Prince, said, "Lance, what is the meaning of this?!"

"Michael won fair and square!" King beract yelled.

"What's she doing?" asked Forest White, Apple White's younger brother.

Briar Beauty mentally checked off, See a Charming flip their crown, off her bucket list. The only 3 people who seemed totally fine with everything were Hubert, Hamish and Harris. Their expressions were as if this was just another day in their life.

In an instance, Merida angrily dragged her daughter away to the castle while Lance deal with the guests. "What were you thinking?!" she screamed as soon as they got away from the angry mob of noblemen.

Darling stayed silent and realized they weren't walking to the castle, but to the waterfall. (Yes, her family was so wealthy that the had a waterfall next to their property)

Merida's P.O.V.

What was my daughter thinking?! I promised Lance, our children would be picture perfect Charmings, or else Dunbroch would be doomed again. Lance's family already hated me for giving birth to a brown haired baby and now the second twin is a warrior rebel! Why is this so difficult?!

Darling stayed silent as I dragged her to the waterfall, I blinked back my own tears. I didn't want to do this, I did not want to repeat the past. I had to if everything would be good again. I snatched her sword out of her arms and threw it down. Darling tried jumping down the cliff to retieve it, but I held her back. When she finally realized she was not getting it back, she ran away screaming, "I hate you! You never loved me! You loved me because I was something you could bargain away for something better!"

I felt bad, I did love Darling. If only she knew the situation I was in, then she woupld understand.

Darling's P.O.V.

I could not believe my mother, what was she thinking?! Why was this so difficult?! It wasn't hard to understand that I AM NOT A PIECE OF PROPERTY TO TRADE AWAY!

I could feel tears welling in my eyes before streaming down my rosy cheeks. Before I knew it, I was running on a grassy, green meadow. I found a small stream and washed off my smeared makeup. My home slowly became smaller as I ran off. Unfortunately, I tripped and fell on my floor length dress. I cried even more and stared at the sky. If only I can be free, I wished, then I ripped the tiara off my head and threw it into the river. I didn't want this life.

Suddenly, I heard another voice, it sounded like she had also been crying. "If only I can be free," the mysterious female voice wailed.

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