2. Is this seat taken?

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Author's note: Enjoy the fanfiction and comment what you think!


"M'lady, what are you doing here?" - he asked, Ladybug sat next to him.

"I could ask you the same thing, is everything okay with you?"

"Yeah, you know, just the usual, problems at home."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, everything will be okay." - she said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"I hope you're right." - a devastating silence invaded the space, both of them were just staring at the sky, It seemed like the world had stopped revolving around them, Chat decided to break the silence.

"How do you it?" - Chat asked curious.

"Do what?"

"Be perfect, be the Guardian, keep everyone safe, always have a plan and a back-up plan and...." - Ladybug laughed at what Chat Noir was saying, he looked confused at her reaction.

"I'm far from perfect, and I don't always have a plan." - she sighed deeply looking at him. "I don't know how I am still the Guardian and didn't screw things like I always do, everyone sees me like a perfect superhero and I'm not, if I make a little mistake, I'll disappoint everyone, I'm under so much pression, it's not easy, but sometimes I have my friends and family who help me go through it." - she paused and added. "Of course, they don't know about my double life, well, they help, you know. I'm also your friend Chat, If you need something, I'm here for you." - she said smiling, Chat shed a single tear and hugged her. She was surprised by his action, but she returned his hug. It was true indeed, her responsibility as Guardian and wielder was getting harder every day to handle, still the majority of her friends and family didn't know what was going on with her, they just supported her unconditionally, that was enough for Marinette.

"Thank you, I couldn't ask for a better partner in crime." - he said, she just smiled at him and broke the hug.

"Me neither." - she said smiling.

A few miserable minutes passed and she decided to go home.

"It's getting late, I should go. Until next time Chat!"

"Until next time Bugaboo." - she rolled her eyes at his comment and just left. Chat stayed a little bit more and stared at the sky, the stars, all of it. He was still asking himself, "What have I done to not deserve my father's attention and love?". Once again his father didn't seem to care about him, he had promised he would arrange his schedule to spend time with him, while "work" interviewed once again and he ditched his own son. At least, that's what he told Adrien.

If we're being honest, we know it wasn't work that was the matter, it was his other "job" as Hawk Moth, that interviewed. Nathalie said she found a solution to fix the peacock miraculous and he was still trying to decode the information on the tablet to fix the Miraculous.


Chat decided to go back to his house. Snicking in the mansion, he transformed back to his normal self and went to sleep.

Ladybug arrived home and detransformed. For her surprise she found Hope crying, and she didn't notice Marinette's presence.

"Hope? Are you okay?" - she asked concerned.

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