7. Uh, not the maid

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Author Note: this was one of my favourite chapters I have ever written in my entire life, I hope you like it!

"I can't believe you did all of that for attention! I raised you better than this."

Chloé laughed with no humour in it.

"Raised me?" - she giggled. "I didn't know you were a comedian now." - she crossed her arms and sat in a chair.

"I gave you everything you ungrateful pathetic child!" - Audrey yelled at her and a tear streamed down Chloé's face and anger consumed her.

"You did not! You bought me expensive stuff to fill a void, and all I wanted was you! You didn't even come back for me! All I wanted was for you to tell me that you loved me or that you cared about me, but, of course, the mighty Audrey Bourgeois couldn't say that to her only child! " - Chloé exclaimed and giggled. "Not really only child uh." - she narrowed her eyebrows and smirked."Well, now that I think about, I might have more secret brothers and sisters, how much are you keeping from me? How many times did you cheat on dad? I guess I'll never know, uh." - she snapped at her mother.

"You know, don't you?" - Audrey looked away.

"You didn't even had the guts to tell me or to my real father."

"That letter doesn't explain everything, and, you must stay in silence and not tell anyone about this. It would ruin our reputation." - Audrey stated. Chloé put her hand in front of her mouth and laughed.

"What's so funny?" - Audrey asked.

"Uh, nothing, nothing. I just want to know, really, Gabriel Agreste is my real father?"

The glamorous woman covered in a golden dress sighed deeply. "Yes, he's your father."

She nodded her head, comprehending. "That was the only confirmation I needed. Thanks." - Chloé smirked and left the kitchen. Audrey left the kitchen a few seconds later. Everyone was staring at them in a confuse mystery, Audrey was very confused, but Chloé already knew the reason.

"You planned this whole thing Marinette?" - Adrien asked really surprised looking at her.

"Yep, Chloé is the mastermind of course, I just, kinda helped her." - Marinette smiled at her own answer. Hope smiled at them. In her perspective Adrien was finally realizing how awesome Marinette was, and he was appreciating her as a person, and not a superhero. Hope just wished that Adrien realized his romantics feelings for Marinette before she revealed herself as Ladybug, that was the only right thing to happen.

Audrey's secretary appeared right behind her and showed her an interesting footage of her conversation with Chloé. She looked at everyone and cringed, the truth had been released to the whole Room, everyone knew now.

"What have you done Chloé?" - Audrey muttered furiously to Chloé.

"I fixed our so called "family." You're welcome." - she winked at her with a smirk, while Audrey's face was more red than Nathaniel's hair, and her eyes exhaled a furious emotion. Audrey held her head high and started to shout and deny everything, a devastating anger consumed her little by little while everyone didn't believe her.

"This wasn't on my plans." - Shadow Moth said putting his hand on his chin thinking. "Apparently, I have a daughter. That must be useful." - he laughed internally and thought about the matter. "She already helped me when she was Miracle Queen, interesting." - Shadow Moth smiled. A butterfly flew to his hand and he closed it, transforming it in an Akuma and let it go.

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