10. Information for information

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Hawk smirked maliciously. He was about to get what he truly wanted. He started to get close to take her earrings off, she was trying to fight, to win against him, there was nothing she could do, and she felt lost, lost and alone. He was about to remove one of the earrings.

"Hawk Moth, don't you dare take her miraculous or I'll shoot you." - Hope said with a gun in her own hands. Hawk laughed at Hope's action. Marinette narrowed her eyebrows trying to see if what she was experiencing was real, Hope in front of her, holding a gun?

"What the hell are you doing Hope? You're going to get yourself killed!" - Marinette warned with fear in her eyes. Marinette's heartbeat was in her throat, she cared about Hope, and didn't want her to play superheros and get herself hurt.

"You should listen to the bug. But first, how did you find me?" - the super villain asked genuinely curious and a little scared. "Oh, you can try to shoot me the times that you desire, it won't make any effect." - that was Hope's time to laugh.

"I know." - she put another hand on her chin looking around the lair seeing multiple white butterflies land, and flying trough. "Revealing your identity, Mayura's identity and the reason you want the miraculouses will." - Hope said confidently and the villain raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and you really think I would fall for one of your tricks? You're just a kid like the stupid heroes." - Hawk argued.

"A kid with lots of information, Agreste." - she said with a smirk dropping the gun. "Oh, and the gun, was just to make the scene with an extra bit of style." - when he heard the name Agreste he got a little bit close to Hope. Marinette also gasped when she heard the name Agreste, could her suspicion about Hawk Moth being Gabriel was totally right?

"I have no idea who you are kiddo, but you're messing with the wrong people, and you will fall." - he stated.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Gabriel." - she united her hands staring at him and walking in the lair. "Well, you see, I know plenty of information which could totally lead me into a death sentence, or not."

That was the guarantee that Marinette needed to be sure that Gabriel was in fact Hawk Moth, her favorite designer who she blindly idolized was her mortal enemy, was that just bad luck?

"And I know that you want to save your dead wife?" - Hope slightly hesitated in the word dead. "Just a question, is she dead or is just a magical coma? Because it's kinda creepy, it doesn't have any tubes connected to the weird glass coffin, so I presume she's dead." - Marinette's jaw completely dropped, she had no idea he had a body in his basement preserved by God knows what. Hawk was impressed by the quantity of information she knew about.

"Emilie is alive?" - Marinette asked. Hawk Moth looked at her perplexed.

"I repeat again, who are you?"

"It's not a pleasure to meet you. My name is Hope Marshall, I came from another reality and I know everything about you and your family." - Hope said with an ironic smile. She tried to hide the fact that she was terrified inside, it wasn't everyday she confronted a super villain, she really tried to keep up with a straight confident face. She had to do this, for Marinette, she had to save her.

"How did you get stuck in this reality? And how do you know so much about me?!" - he demanded.

"Information for information." - Hope commented.

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