11. No terrible cat puns?

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Marinette was walking in the rain, all by herself, not even carrying an umbrella, she was supposed to be happy, they had just defeated Hawk Moth, theoretically, the prophecy never came true, and now she was at peace. There was still something missing, she didn't know what, or who, or when, she only knew it was supposed to be there.

"Alone in the rain without an umbrella?" - She jumped in surprise and turned back to find Adrien staring at her.

Raindrops fell from the Grey sky, making them wet, and the atmosphere heavier.

"You scared me." - she commented looking down. There was a look, a gaze, they exchanged in that precise second, her eyes were smiling at his telling him he was her entire world, and yet, she could not have him, not until she knew they were completely safe. Even after Hawk Moth being defeated, that didn't mean there wasn't going to be any more threats to invade their path, that was the thing that scared Marinette.

"I didn't mean to."

She gave him a little smile, expressing 22 words precisely, everything was going to be okay, they still had each other, in the end of the day, that's what mattered the most.

She got close to him, and stared at his eyes, admiring the light shade of green they were contained into. She pulled him into a tight hug trying to reassure him he was not alone in this, he was going to be fine as long as he had her, he believed in that, and so did she.

"Where's the Butterfly Miraculous?" - she questioned, concerned about its safety.

He took it from his pocket and gave it to her.

"Thanks." - she stared at him. She cleared her throat. "Are you ready to talk about, um-" - she paused, trying not to hurt him in any way by touching a sensitive subject. "your father?"

He felt an excruciating pain in his heart, he fought the urge to cry, he just wanted to be strong for her, but he couldn't. He was vulnerable around her, she was the only person that made him feel at home.

"I lived with him.. How could I not know? He was right under my nose, traumatizing people and even being willing to kill someone! I was there and I didn't notice that my own father could do-", he was already crying and she hugged him again, his head against her collarbone, she brushed her finger through his hair trying to calm him down.

"I'm here okay? I'm always going to be here." - she told him.

"I-I was so scared, that he could have done something to you, if he did, I would have never forgive myself for it." - he said breaking the hug slowly. She looked at him, her gaze landing in his soft rainy eyes. She couldn't tell if his face was wet because of the rain or because of the tears he'd cried.

"I'm not Chat. I'm okay because of you, we've saved the day because of you, you're nothing like him. You are, and always will be better." - she took both his hands, and stared at him. He gave her a little smile. "I'm going home, are you coming?" - she questioned.

He only nodded his head and his soul wasn't heavy anymore. Home, a place where he belonged with her.


"Hey mom, hey dad." - Marinette greeted them, with Adrien by his side, both of them completely wet.

"Oh, honey not again!"- Sabine commented looking at their wet clothes. "You kids have a thing for rain." - she said rushing to the door, and landing her right hand on her daughter's shoulder.

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