4. We don't choose who we love

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Disclaimer: I'm terrible at creating Akuma victims and fights, I'm so sorry for the low quality of those scenes, enjoy this chapter!

Chat sat next to her and was confused why would she call him here.

"Is there something wrong?" - Chat asked truly concerned.

She laughed humourlessly. "Yeah. Maybe the fact that you decided to go as Chat Blanc and scare the hell out of me." - she sighed for a moment and stared at him. He felt terrified, she looked like she was looking at his soul and punishing him for something. "Huh, yeah, maybe that's what is wrong."

"I didn't know you would be upset or scared, you know I didn't do it maliciously, I thought it was a holiday where people go dressed up as scary things, atleast, that's what the internet said."

"Yeah, scary things, not traumatic things." - she argued.

"Traumatic? Was it that bad when I was Chat Blanc?" - Chat was scared for a minute. Scared of himself, scared of what could he have done in that reality to her. He didn't know how to feel or react.

"Yes." - she said serious. Her voice came out as a stabbing cold knife. He had know seen the consequences to his actions. He didn't em at to cause her any harm. Never. "Another thing happened." - she swallowed and Chat remained quiet. " I discovered your identity."

He sighed thinking of the worst scenario possible. "Hope told you didn't she?"

"No, she wouldn't do that. I discovered by myself."

"So, are you that disappointed?"

"Disappointed?" - she gave him a small laugh despite everything. "Disappointed that you are Adrien Agreste, never." - he blushed like he never did and Ladybug didn't even notice. "Now, disappointed that you were that careless to let me discover your identity so easily, yes."

"Oh, was it that easy?" - he teased.

"You, Bunnyx and Hope were the only people who knew about Chat Blanc, I just connected the dots, and then, I remembered other coincidences."

"Are you going to take my miraculous away for being irresponsible?"

"No, I would never do that, I could never replace you and you know that, I just need you to be more careful. And I needed to know your identity eventually." - Chat smiled at her answer.

"I just have a few more minutes left before my time ends, I'm going back to enjoy the party, Goodbye Ladybug!"

"Goodbye Chat." - she said confused. She didn't know what he meant by his time was going to end, she presumed he couldn't stay at the party for too long. He detransformed, and so did she and they went back to the party.


Marinette went back to where Alya was.

"Girl, where have you been?"

"Uh, I had this crazy cramps." - Marinette lied.

"Are you better now?" - Alya asked worried.

"Yes, thanks for worrying, everything is fine now." - Marinette said putting her hand on Alya's shoulder trying to make her not worry.

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