3. That's not an answer

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Warning : This chapter contains a panic attack scene and references to anxiety, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


She placed her right hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him. She truly wanted to get over Adrien, he was with no doubts with Kagami, she also didn't want to hurt Chat Noir's feelings, he was important to her, he was her partner and her best friend.

"I don't think it's possible to fall out of love with someone." - Ladybug said that and gave a sad laugh. Chat also laughed and she took her hand off his shoulder.

"Or maybe it's just a crush and you'll get over with eventually."

"Maybe, we'll see." - Ladybug commented with a small giggle. She was willing to make an effort and forget Adrien, to focus on other important stuff. She could do this, she would do this.

"I almost forgot that tomorrow is Halloween, are you going to a party or something?" - Chat asked and Ladybug rolled her eyes leaving him without an answer. "You obviously ignored my question, so I presume you're going, and yes, I am going to one too. Well, I'm trying to."

She raised an eyebrow. "You're trying to?"

"Yep, strict parents." - he commented sighing. He internally corrected himself, "strict parent".

"Oh." - she mutters under her breath, considering what Hope had said about Chat's life at home. "It's better if I go, it's getting late, goodbye Kitty Cat." - she said and went home.

"Goodbye Ladybug." - he said blushing at the nickname she gave him. After a few minutes he returned to his house and detransformed and laid down on his bed.


"She gave me a nickname." - Adrien said looking at his roof thinking about Ladybug. Plagg rolled his eyes at his comment.

"For Camembert's sake, where's my cheese?" - Plagg asked, totally ignoring Adrien's comment. Adrien checked his pockets and took a piece of Camembert and gave it to Plagg.


"Amazed." - Plagg said eating the cheese in one bite. Adrien fell asleep thinking about the Halloween Party. He had discovered only a few months ago that Halloween even existed and now he couldn't go to a party? He just wanted to feel genuinely happy being himself, being Chat was like his reality escape, he could be free and be only him, not the supermodel guy that a bunch of teens girls crushed on.


"This past two weeks have been crazy! Now being the guardian and needing to be constantly in control of everything is exhausting, I didn't get to see my friends, unless it's at school, this Halloween Party is my opportunity to relax and hangout a little bit with them." - that's what Marinette thought at least.


Tuesday, 31st October of 2016

The day finally came, the Halloween party, it wasn't really a tradition in Paris, but this year, they decided to do it at the school. Marinette and Hope were at Alya's house with her getting ready for the party, Marinette was going as Chat, Hope as Ladybug, and Alya was going with Nino as Bonnie and Clyde. Adrien had a prepared costume too, still, he need to convince his father to let him go first.

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