15. Only love makes us that crazy

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"Heyyy." - Hope greeted with a smirk looking at them arriving Marinette's bedroom. "How was the dinner with Mama Agreste? Give me all the details."

"Didn't you have plans with Chloé?" - Adrien asked looking at her sitting in her bed with her legs crossed. Hope shrugged her shoulders.

"The dinner was soo boring. The restaurant didn't have Camembert, it had that disgusting cheese that smelled like global warming. What normal restaurant doesn't have Camembert??" - Plagg questioned indignant.

"Not everything has to be about Cheese Plagg." - Tikki said rolling her eyes. "Emilie seems nice."

"Yeah, she's kinda nice."

"Kinda? Wow, what did the woman do to you?" - Hope asked raising her brows.

"Nothing, nothing. She was nice and she payed for dinner. Nice person. Nice, nice and nice. There's nothing wrong with nice, why are you implying there's something wrong with nice?" - Marinette questioned doing a suspicious pose with her arms crossed. The little description she gave to Hope reminded herself of the Marinette 2 years ago, when she was just a shy hot mess around Adrien.

Hope did a weird face. Adrien hearing Marinette's confession started to burst out laughing. Sincerely, most of the times he didn't actually understand a single word of what Marinette meant.

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny."

Hope tried not to pull her lips into a smile that seemed more like a smirk.

"Resuming. The dinner was actually cool. I got to know my mother a little better. Apparently she drinks wine now, one more thing to the list of things that I didn't knew." - commented Adrien with an ironic half smile. "Hope, you didn't answer my question."

"I had plans with Chloé, we just went out for milkshakes and then I came home."

"Was it good?" - asked Marinette.

Hope smiled and nodded. "Chloé is really becoming a better person, it's amazing to see her progress."

"You've really made miracles." - Marinette commented. "Luka invited us to a private concert on Saturday, Jagged Stone's concert. Do you wanna come?"

A happy, exciting smile formed in Hope's lips.

"Sure! I would love to see Jagged Stone in raw and flesh." - commented her with a grin brighter than the sun. Then, a question suddenly popped to her mind. "Is Luka still into you?" - asked her innocently. Hope gasped. She had completely forgotten Adrien was there with them.

Adrien's stomach twisted and he felt his throat ache and difficult to let out a single word or a simple breath.

Marinette turned pale as her eyes met with Adrien's more times than she could ever admit.

Swallowing she tried to rub off the back of her neck, pretending she didn't know anything about the certain matter. "I don't think so."

"Thanks for bringing up that damn subject." - Marinette muttered to herself. "I've invited Alya, Nino and even Chloé to come with us to the concert." - commented the blue haired girl.

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